Project News

Meeting on the Impact of COVID-19 on Trafficking in Human Beings

15 April 2020

On 15 April, ICMPD hosted a meeting of the Network of Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe to discuss the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trafficking in human beings and the anti-trafficking response in the countries of South-East Europe.

The aim of the discussion was to acquire first-hand insight on this matter from the governmental structures of the SEE countries in charge of coordinating their countries anti-trafficking efforts. Recently, a few international organisations and watchdogs have expressed concerns over the adequacy of protection and increased risks for the most vulnerable categories, including trafficked persons. This meeting was the first step to gather substantiated feedback in order to shape an informed insight into the way the pandemic has affected the countries’ anti-trafficking efforts, as well as to understand measures for additional protection of migrants and trafficked persons included in the countries’ national responses to COVID-19. This was also the first meeting of the Network, which due to the current situation was held online.

Since the creation of the Network National Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe upon the initiative of Slovenia in 2010, ICMPD serves as the Secretariat of the Network. The Network is a state-led platform that brings together Anti-Trafficking Coordinators from the SEE region and ensures fulfilment of the commitments agreed at a Ministerial level, offering an informal and flexible dialogue venue that serves as a forum for sharing good practices, discussing the needs of the participating countries and identifying the areas for potential cooperation in the future.
