Featured Study of the Month

As lead in migration dialogues, ICMPD uses research to guide its policy development and programme implementation work across all levels of the organisation. Here we feature the studies and data initiatives that our experts produce, highlighting the unique contexts and needs of persons on the move, as well as the challenges and opportunities that define the migration narrative for Europe and beyond.

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ICMPD opens more Migrant Resource Centres in Iraq, Pakistan

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) opens new Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs) in Iraq and Pakistan. The MRCs promote safe and regular migration processes for prospective migrants, fight trafficking and people-smuggling through raising awareness, provide pre-departure counselling for emigrants, post-arrival briefings to migrant workers and offer re-integration support for the returnees.

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Breaking taboos: EU asylum and migration policy since 2020

This commentary reflects on the major migration-related policy developments over the past four years that influenced or culminated in the EU’s new Pact on Migration and Asylum. It describes a radically changed landscape since 2020, when governments — principally out of realpolitik — broke taboos, one by one, right across the migration policy spectrum, a trend which looks set to continue after the European elections on 6-9 June.

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BOMCA advances its work with Central Asian NGOs to improve living conditions of border communities

26 July 2024

BOMCA selected and provided EU funding to 12 projects in the framework of its second Call for Proposals. Continuing the established good practice of cooperation with NGOs from Central Asia, selected NGOs from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan began implementing actions aimed at improving living conditions in border areas in July 2024. The projects will be implemented throughout 2024-2025 with the overall funding of almost 635 000 EUR.

Khartoum Process: Call for civil society organisations participation in the Diaspora Innovation Hub

25 July 2024

The Khartoum Process has an open call for youth and women diaspora organisations to participate at the Diaspora Innovation Hub during its Thematic Meeting on 11-12 September 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. Civil society organisations (CSO) can express interest to participate until 31 July 2024.

EMLINK: Selection process for the EMLINK Compact Acceleration Course is finalised

23 July 2024


By the end of June 2024, eleven Georgian start-ups were selected for a short-term mobility programme in Belgium. This followed a highly competitive selection process that evaluated sectoral matchmaking potential between the two countries. The call for applications was announced in the framework of the “Strengthening the Partnership between Belgium and Georgia through the Temporary Mobility of Entrepreneurs (EMLINK)” project, implemented by ICMPD.

Students, youth tackle contemporary issues on migration - ICMPD hosted the 2024 International Summer School on Migration

22 July 2024


On 7-12 July, ICMPD hosted students and youth at the 2024 International Summer School on Migration in Kachreti, Georgia. The participants discussed the impact of migration on international law and its legal aspects, media and the perception of migrants, migration’s role in the economy, migration and development, and integration and citizenship.

Complexities of irregular migration needs stronger EU-Africa cooperation - ICMPD Director-General joins ministers in forum on irregular migration

19 July 2024


ICMPD Director-General Michael Spindelegger joined heads of state and ministers at the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya on 17 July 2024. In a statement, Mr Spindelegger called for strengthened collaboration between Europe and Africa to address the complexities of irregular migration.

EUDiF publishes Diaspora Youth Recommendations on integrating youth in migration policy processes

15 July 2024

On World Youth Skills Day, the EU Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) publishes recommendations from diaspora youth on how to integrate youth perspectives in migration policy processes and beyond. The recommendations cover recognition of youth expertise, access to funding and inclusion in governance structures.

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