Capacity Building

ICMPD contributes with its capacity building activities to good migration governance and aims to strengthen national and regional capacities in order to deal with the current challenges in various fields of migration.

Specifically, through its capacity building programmes, ICMPD develops and organises training programmes, facilitates international and interagency cooperation and supports governmental and administrative bodies in their institution building, policy formulation and legal reform efforts in six thematic areas: irregular migration & return, trafficking in human beings, border management & visa, asylum, migration & development and legal migration & integration.

Considering how important the regional perspective is in international migration, ICMPD has adopted a regional approach in its work and is fostering close relationships with regions that connect with Europe. The aim is to create efficient cooperation and partnerships along migration routes. We have organised our work in priority regions, closely connected with the migration dialogues we support. The dialogue activities are flanked with capacity-building measures as well as policy and research activities. These three approaches mutually reinforce their respective impact and quality. 

ICMPD is active in the following regions:

  • Africa: Pan Africa & West Africa
  • Eastern Europe and Central Asia
  • ​​​​Mediterranean 
  • Silk Routes 
  • Türkiye
  • Western Balkans

Apart from this, ICMPD projects are also carried out as European and Global Initiatives.

In addition to the regional perspective, ICMPD has identified two thematic programmes that work cross-regional on the topics of Border Management and Security and Anti-Trafficking.

ICMPD Headquarters
Rothschildplatz 4
1020 Vienna, Austria +43 1 504 4677 0