In September 2022, the EU-funded MOBILAZE 2 and Prague Process projects organised the International Summer School on Migration. Participants of the event were young graduates and professionals from Azerbaijan and Ukraine who attended lectures and workshops by professors of renowned EU universities.
This international training for young people from Azerbaijan and Ukraine on the critical issue of migration took place in Guba, Azerbaijan, from 4 to 9 September 2022. Organised by ICMPD and funded by the EU, this event targeted young professionals, government employees, researchers, students and civil society representatives. Violeta Wagner, ICMPD’s Regional Portfolio Manager for Eastern Europe and Central Asia who organised the event, highlighted that the summer school had profound implications for the future management of migration and integration in the region, as these early career professionals and talented students would one day be shaping these nations’ migration policies. The calibre and commitment of these young people had been astonishing and suggested that there was a bright future for migration policymaking in the region.
This 8th summer school targeted students from Ukraine as well as Ukrainians living abroad and students from Azerbaijan. They received training on topics ranging from economics, human rights, development, media, citizenship and integration. The summer school’s professors represented some of the world’s leading universities, including the Universities of Oxford and Sussex, the Universities of Maastricht and Leiden.