EUDiF: EU Global Diaspora Facility

#Diaspora and Migrants #Diaspora #Migration and Development #Multi-Lateral Dialogue #Diaspora Engagement #Database #Diaspora Association

EUDiF works to consolidate efforts on diaspora engagement for development. We strive to bridge existing gaps between policy development and research, to test out concrete modes of engagement and to create a laboratory of innovative ideas and policies, based on needs and priorities.

We take a multi-stakeholder, consultative and participatory approach so as to holistically transform interest in diaspora engagement into concrete, sustainable action through four interlinking strands of activity on knowledge, capacity development, dialogue and diaspora expertise.

What we do:

Consolidate knowledge through mapping and research on diaspora-development policies, practices and priorities in DEVCO partner countries and diaspora-led initiatives

Capacity development activities for local, national and regional authorities in DEVCO partner countries as well as diaspora organisations in Europe.

Charlotte Griffiths

Communications Officer

Duty Stations
Brussels, Belgium
June 2019 to December 2022
EU (DG International Partnerships)


The first EU-funded project to take a global approach to diaspora engagement, fostering an informed, inclusive and impactful diaspora-development ecosystem.

Objective: The EU Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) seeks to help governments of countries of origin and diaspora organisations to engage and collaborate more effectively with each other and with the EU for development.

Summary: EUDiF is an EU-funded (DG International Partnerships) initiative running from June 2019 to the end of 2022. EUDiF is the first EU-funded project to take a global approach to diaspora engagement. It fosters an informed, inclusive and impactful diaspora-development ecosystem through research - including a global mapping of 107 countries, completed in 2020; dialogue and partnership activities with diaspora organisations across Europe, the EU and its Member States and partner countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and the Pacific; its Capacity Development Lab and Diaspora Professionals 4 Development mechanism are technical support pilots focusing on enhancing diaspora engagement and mainstreaming diaspora expertise in development.
