READMIC: Training for Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM) staff in processing individual readmission requests in line with the provisions in the EU-Turkey readmission agreement

#Capacity Development

July 2016 to March 2017
UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Implementing Agency


To support the DGMM in fulfilling the requirements under the EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement by training approximately 100 DGMM staff members.


Turkey and the EU have been working in partnership to manage the present migration crisis. As a result of this dialogue, the EU and Turkey have concluded a Readmission Agreement (the Agreement) and ratified accordingly. The DGMM is the main partner on the Turkish side responsible for the implementation of said agreement and for processing the individual readmission requests both for Turkish citizens as well as third country nationals.

The READMIC project has foreseen series of trainings for the new staff of DGMM, whom will be engaged in processing the specific readmission requests. The trainings focused on the readmission process in general as well as ensured specific trainings on the requirements deriving from the Agreement and the implementing protocols. Training of the new staff, providing them with a general understanding of the requirements which Turkey has to meet under the Agreement as well as providing them with the specific knowledge on the manner of dealing with the individual requests has strengthened DGMM’s operational capacity to fulfill the requirements under the above agreement. 
