Understanding and supporting female immigrant labour: Comparing the cases of Jordan and Norway


Published June 2024

Jordan / Norway

#Integration and Social Cohesion #Policy #Legal and Labour Migration #Asylum and International Protection

Challenges related to the reception of unaccompanied children from Ukraine in Poland – legal representation issues


Published June 2024

Ukraine / Poland

#Policy #Asylum and International Protection

Manual for Early Identification of Potential Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings, Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation


Published May 2024

#Governance #Trafficking in human beings #Research


The Manual serves as a practical tool for early identification of potential victims of trafficking in human beings (THB) and child sexual abuse or exploitation (CSA/E). It targets frontline responders who, during their daily work, might detect potential and actual victims of THB and/or CSA/E and refer them to relevant support services.


Authors: Elena Petreska (ICMPD), Edgar Federzoni dos Santos (ICMPD), Madalina Lepsa - Rogoz (ICMPD), Ivanka Hainzl (ICMPD), Ishrat Shamim (CWCS), Sergio Rivera Reyes (RENACER), Claudia Álvarez Conde (UCM), Raquel Barras Tejudo (UCM), Carlos Brito Siso (UCM), Jana Dilger (TRI), and Melita Gruevska Graham (ICMPD).

Displacement, emigration, and return: Understanding migration dynamics and patterns within, to, and from Iraq


Published May 2024


#Irregular Migration #Reintegration


This background report serves as a foundation within the framework of the Migration Information and Awareness Raising on the Risks of Irregular Migration in Iraq (MIRAMI) Project. Building upon existing experiences and collaborations, such as the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) established in Baghdad, the MIRAMI Project aims at increasing awareness of safe and legal migration, reducing irregular migration, and improving reintegration support for returnees through the development of targeted migration information campaigns. The project targets various groups, including potential migrants, returnees, families, female migrants, and influencers like community leaders and media representatives. In doing so, MIRAMI contributes to the Iraqi government's vision of sustainable reintegration for returnees, aligning with national strategies for migration management.

Engaging Return Migrants in Information Campaigns in Iraq: Challenges, Reintegration, and Prospects


Published May 2024


#Return and Reintegration #Irregular Migration


This report investigates the migration and reintegration experiences of Iraqi returnees, their influence on other people’s decisions about migration, and their potential role in the implementation of migration information campaigns. It does so in the framework of the Migration information and awareness raising on the risks of irregular migration in Iraq (MIRAMI) project, which aims, among other things, at increasing awareness on safe and legal migration and reducing irregular migration from Iraq through changes in perceptions and behaviour of potential migrants as well as of the key influencers of their decisions.

Cultivating talent: Exploring effective talent attraction and retention practices in and beyond the EU


Published May 2024

#Capacity Building #Labour Migration


New study commissioned by the Migration Partnership Facility highlights the current challenges and opportunities regarding talent attraction and retention policies in the EU and beyond. Featuring examples of national strategies and practices from all over Europe, the research piece provides a comparative snapshot along with 10 action-driven recommendations.

Irregular pathways: Probing migration dynamics in Iraq and the significance of information campaigns


Published May 2024


#Irregular Migration


This study aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the research project conducted in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq between October 2023 and February 2024.

Best Practices in Diaspora Engagement for Azerbaijan


Published May 2024


#Diaspora Engagement


This paper aims to advise the Azerbaijani government on better engaging their diaspora. It covers good diaspora engagement practices in general as well as in selected countries. Additionally, it includes lessons learned after the COVID-19 pandemic and presents the kinds of support that can be given to members of the diaspora in times of crisis.

FIMAS Sonderauswertung Vorarlberg


Published April 2024

#Integration and Social Cohesion #Research #Labour Migration


Die vorliegende Sonderauswertung beleuchtet die Situation der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten aus den Herkunftsländern Syrien, Afghanistan, Irak und Iran in Vorarlberg. Insgesamt nahmen im Zeitraum von 2018 bis 2022 in Vorarlberg 440 Personen an der FIMAS-Befragung teil – per Online-Fragebogen sowie durch telefonische Befragung. Ein Teil der Befragten nahm an mehreren Wellen teil – insgesamt umfasst die Vorarlberg-Stichprobe dadurch 512 Befragungsdatensätze – von Geflüchteten unterschiedlicher Herkunft, Geschlecht und Alters, und zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten ihrer jeweiligen Integrationsverläufe.

Navigating Uncertainty: Challenges, Aspirations, and Perspectives of Potential Afghan Migrants in Pakistan


Published April 2024


#Irregular Migration


The results of PARIM-II project, which are discussed in this report, draw not only from extensive qualitative and quantitative research conducted in the field between August 2023 and January 2024, but also from the previous project (PARIM-I), which looked instead at the migration intentions and information needs of Pakistani nationals wishing to migrate out of the country, including through irregular channels.1 By outlining the results of the current project and combining them with the previous one, this report aims at bringing together, analysing, and discussing the entire research component in a targeted way, providing insights for the potential information campaigns and communication strategies in this area. 

Baseline Study on Migration Data Management in Azerbaijan


Published April 2024


Voices of Return: Leveraging the Influence of Returnees in Migration Information Campaigns


Published April 2024

#Irregular Migration


As part of the Awareness Raising and Information Campaigns on the Risks of Irregular Migration in Pakistan – II (PARIM-II) project, this report explores the role of returnees in migration decision-making processes and investigates their potential engagement in the design and implementation of migration information and awareness raising campaigns.

Communication and Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration


Published March 2024

#Return and Reintegration #Migration Dialogues


Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programmes have emerged as a migration governance tool used by many national governments and supranational organisations in the 21st century. They fund—typically irregular or stranded—migrants to return to their origin countries whereafter they provide support aimed at “sustainable reintegration”. AVRR reintegration support is classified by the International Organization for Migration, which administers around 95% of AVRR programmes globally, as “economic”, “social”, and “psycho-social”. However, AVRR programmes have received several criticisms from academics and activists. The academic literature on measuring reintegration, identifying the causes of reintegration success, and identifying the causes of AVRR participation are nascent but provide a basis by which policymakers can understand how to improve AVRR outcomes. Therefore, this study identifies how communication can contribute to AVRR objectives.

The Role of Ukrainian Diaspora in Crisis Response, Future Return and Reconstruction of Ukraine: Case Study from Germany, Czech Republic and Poland


Published March 2024


#Governance #Capacity Development


The Ukrainian diaspora emerged as a crucial and proactive force in responding to the crisis following the Russian military attack on Ukraine in February 2022, playing a pivotal role in various aspects of humanitarian aid and support efforts. The Ukrainian diaspora was quick and efficient, mobilising resources, both financial and organisational, to provide immediate assistance to Ukrainian refugees who sought shelter in different parts of the world, particularly in European countries. Through establishing numerous organisations and collaborations with international entities, the diaspora engaged in activities such as humanitarian aid, legal assistance, healthcare provisions, educational support and social integration initiatives for displaced Ukrainians. The report on the Role of Ukrainian Diaspora in Crisis Response, Future Return and Reconstruction of Ukraine: Case Study from Germany, Czech Republic and Poland aims to analyse the activities of Ukrainian diaspora organisations and migrant communities in the three destination countries as well as demonstrate the diaspora’s role as a cornerstone for shaping a hopeful and prosperous future for Ukraine. The report was completed by Dr. Valeria Lazarenko (PhD) and edited by the project implementation team. 

Unaccompanied and Separated Children in the Mediterranean Region


Published March 2024

Morocco / Jordan / Lebanon / Greece / Spain

#Migration Dialogues #Asylum and International Protection


This work was designed to shed light on past and current dynamics that influence international migration (from and within the region), gather the perspectives and analyse the narratives of Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC) in an attempt to understand the reasons that underpin the mobility of unaccompanied and separated children from and within the region, also with a view to provide recommendations on how to better provide for their specific needs in different contexts. The study placed a special emphasis on 3 selected countries in the MENA region (Morocco, Jordan and Lebanon) while valuable information and data gathered in 2 European Union (EU) countries, Greece and Spain, were also used.
