In Focus

The 6th International Border Management Conference convened in Istanbul

19 December 2023


This annual flagship event, which was supported by the Government of the Netherlands, the European Union, Austria, the Czech Republic, Kingdom of  Denmark, Germany, Swiss Confederation, organised in close collaboration with ICMPD's esteemed partners, has become a vital platform for practitioners, policy makers, donors, and experts to engage in dialogue on cutting-edge developments, good practices, and the latest trends in the field of border management.

The conference, hosted more than 191 international and national participants from over 40 countries, including Türkiye, started with the opening remarks delivered by Ms. Sietske Duller, Director for Migration Policy at the Netherlands Ministry of Justice and Security and Mr. Michael Spindelegger, ICMPD Director General.

Sessions of the two-day conference focused on the use of artificial Intelligence (AI) in border management; fundamental rights and their application in border management; policy topics: directions and good practice; implementation tactics: what works well, developments in different operational domains; concepts and initiatives for cooperation.

The primary objectives of the conference are to provide the participants with updates on recent policy and strategic developments in integrated border management and proposing innovative solutions for global improvement. The focus will be on setting harmonized practices to support enhanced cooperation and coordination at borders, with a special emphasis on the use of technologies, artificial intelligence, and the full inclusion of fundamental rights in border management operations. The conference will serve as a platform to share, present, and discuss practices and methods for the implementation of these strategies at both multiagency and cross-border levels.

Facing Challenges, Sharing Solutions

In an era where technologies evolve faster than government agencies can adapt, and the climate becomes increasingly unpredictable, the 6th International Border Management Conference brings together experts who have faced these challenges in diverse ways. Their experiences and knowledge were shared during the conference, fostering a collaborative environment to navigate the complexities of border management.

Main Message: Building Bridges

ICMPD strongly advocates for the concept of Integrated Border Management (IBM), encouraging state border agencies to cooperate directly for greater efficiency in border crossings, with neighbouring nations for joint action, and internationally for growing partnerships and knowledge sharing. The key message is that border management, when done correctly, offers opportunities for secure trade, safer and engaged local communities, and efficient traveller processing—it is about building bridges.
