Expert Voice
"The more we look, the more we find" - Is this really the best way to reduce human trafficking?

17 August 2017

Speaking about the increasing numbers of people identified as victims of modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK, the British National Crime Agency (NCA)’s Vulnerabilities Director Will Kerr stated that “the more we look, the more we find" (BBC News, “Modern Slavery and trafficking ‘in every UK town and city’”, 10 August 2017). This statement highlights both the extent of the problem and the limitations of relying on law enforcement alone to combat it. 

Speaking about the increasing numbers of people identified as victims of modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK, the British National Crime Agency (NCA)’s Vulnerabilities Director Will Kerr stated that “the more we look, the more we find" (BBC News, “Modern Slavery and trafficking ‘in every UK town and city’”, 10 August 2017). This statement highlights both the extent of the problem and the limitations of relying on law enforcement alone to combat it. 

Expert Voice
Taking stock of the Joint Valletta Action Plan

24 March 2017

One of the most significant political summits on migration took place in Valletta, Malta in November 2015, bringing together leaders from a wide range of European and African States and international organisations. Faced with the dramatic increase in irregular migration with all its downsides, the time was ripe to take concrete measures to tackle its root causes. The Rabat- and Khartoum Processes, both implemented by ICMPD, had been assigned the role of monitoring these measures. At the follow-up Senior Officials’ Meeting in February 2017, ICMPD presented the findings of the Rabat and Khartoum Process, providing ground for discussion. The central question now is, if the taken measures have and will continue to have the desired impact. In this article, we’ve summarised the steps taken up until now.

One of the most significant political summits on migration took place in Valletta, Malta in November 2015, bringing together leaders from a wide range of European and African States and international organisations. Faced with the dramatic increase in irregular migration with all its downsides, the time was ripe to take concrete measures to tackle its root causes. The Rabat- and Khartoum Processes, both implemented by ICMPD, had been assigned the role of monitoring these measures. At the follow-up Senior Officials’ Meeting in February 2017, ICMPD presented the findings of the Rabat and Khartoum Process, providing ground for discussion. The central question now is, if the taken measures have and will continue to have the desired impact. In this article, we’ve summarised the steps taken up until now.

Expert Voice
Making the most of Mobility Partnerships

15 December 2016

Since 2009, Mobility Partnerships between the EU and partner countries have not only brought concrete benefits to people but also enabled result-driven cooperation and dialogue between states. The Mobility Partnership Facility (MPF) is a programme that started in 2016 aimed at supporting the implementation of Mobility Partnerships (MPs). This article provides, in a nutshell, practical examples for MPs and summarizes the actions available to further realize the full potential of this framework.

Since 2009, Mobility Partnerships between the EU and partner countries have not only brought concrete benefits to people but also enabled result-driven cooperation and dialogue between states. The Mobility Partnership Facility (MPF) is a programme that started in 2016 aimed at supporting the implementation of Mobility Partnerships (MPs). This article provides, in a nutshell, practical examples for MPs and summarizes the actions available to further realize the full potential of this framework.

Project News
Vienna Migration Conference 2016: “European Migration and Refugee Policies – The Way Ahead”

14 November 2016

On 10 November the Vienna Migration Conference opened in the presence of more than 100 invited senior and high-level representatives from politics, international- and intergovernmental organisations, academia and media. The Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sebastian Kurz, delivered the opening statement to the conference’s high-level political panel entitled "European Migration and Refugee Policies – The Way Ahead". The ICMPD Director General then led the panel discussion on "the progress, gaps and visions for better solutions…".

On 10 November the Vienna Migration Conference opened in the presence of more than 100 invited senior and high-level representatives from politics, international- and intergovernmental organisations, academia and media. The Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sebastian Kurz, delivered the opening statement to the conference’s high-level political panel entitled "European Migration and Refugee Policies – The Way Ahead". The ICMPD Director General then led the panel discussion on "the progress, gaps and visions for better solutions…".

Press Release
Vienna Migration Conference 2016 opened

10 November 2016

Sessions on future perspectives of European migration policy under way

Sessions on future perspectives of European migration policy under way

Expert Voice
Lessons from a Migration Policy Crisis

03 November 2016

The surge in the number of refugees and migrants making their way to Europe in 2015 brought the weaknesses of the fragile European migration and protection system to the forefront and indeed led to a virtual collapse of some of its key components, such as the Dublin Regulation. This triggered a policy and political crisis within the European Union as Member States and European Commission found themselves in disagreement over how to effectively handle the situation.

The surge in the number of refugees and migrants making their way to Europe in 2015 brought the weaknesses of the fragile European migration and protection system to the forefront and indeed led to a virtual collapse of some of its key components, such as the Dublin Regulation. This triggered a policy and political crisis within the European Union as Member States and European Commission found themselves in disagreement over how to effectively handle the situation.

Expert Voice
10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day

16 October 2016

18 October 2016 is the 10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day. In a three-part blog series, ICMPD analyses challenges and future priorities for the EU and its Member States in combating trafficking in human beings. In view of the forthcoming EU Anti-Trafficking Strategy, we're looking at current anti-trafficking efforts in the context of global migration trends and policies, asking the question of how current debates might shape anti-trafficking in the coming years.

18 October 2016 is the 10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day. In a three-part blog series, ICMPD analyses challenges and future priorities for the EU and its Member States in combating trafficking in human beings. In view of the forthcoming EU Anti-Trafficking Strategy, we're looking at current anti-trafficking efforts in the context of global migration trends and policies, asking the question of how current debates might shape anti-trafficking in the coming years.

Around the Globe
United Nations High Level Meeting on Refugees and Migrants

20 September 2016

On September 19th an ICMPD delegation led by DG Michael Spindelegger took part in the UN high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants.

On September 19th an ICMPD delegation led by DG Michael Spindelegger took part in the UN high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants.

Expert Voice
Vulnerabilities to trafficking among people fleeing the Syrian conflict

31 July 2016

Speech held by Martijn Pluim, ICMPD Director of Eastern Dimension, on 25 July 2016 on the occasion of Vienna Human Trafficking Event at the UNODC.

Speech held by Martijn Pluim, ICMPD Director of Eastern Dimension, on 25 July 2016 on the occasion of Vienna Human Trafficking Event at the UNODC.

Press Release
EUR 2.5 million project implementing the EU-Jordan Mobility Partnership launched

13 July 2016

Today the European Union Delegation to Jordan and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) launches the EUR 2.5 million project “Support to the Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (JEMPAS)’’. The three-year project, funded by the EU and implemented by ICMPD, will focus on two key areas: Engagement with Jordanian expatriates abroad and preventing trafficking in human beings.

Today the European Union Delegation to Jordan and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) launches the EUR 2.5 million project “Support to the Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (JEMPAS)’’. The three-year project, funded by the EU and implemented by ICMPD, will focus on two key areas: Engagement with Jordanian expatriates abroad and preventing trafficking in human beings.

Expert Voice
Migrants in Crisis - They came to work and left to survive

09 June 2016

While the Libyan conflict is just a mere example of the many crises affecting the world, it sheds the light on the suffering and difficulties thousands of migrants live when caught in countries in crisis.

While the Libyan conflict is just a mere example of the many crises affecting the world, it sheds the light on the suffering and difficulties thousands of migrants live when caught in countries in crisis.

Press Release
ICMPD establishes Coordination and Cooperation Center for Migration in the Mediterranean

25 May 2016

Six months after the Valletta Summit of Migration there are concerns that the Mediterranean could again be the epicentre of irregular migration-flows. With this in mind, the Foreign Minister of Malta, George Vella, and the Director General of ICMPD (International Center for Migration Policy Development), Michael Spindelegger, opened the organisation’s “Coordination and Cooperation Center for Migration in the Mediterranean” in Valetta.

Six months after the Valletta Summit of Migration there are concerns that the Mediterranean could again be the epicentre of irregular migration-flows. With this in mind, the Foreign Minister of Malta, George Vella, and the Director General of ICMPD (International Center for Migration Policy Development), Michael Spindelegger, opened the organisation’s “Coordination and Cooperation Center for Migration in the Mediterranean” in Valetta.

Press Release
Curso na fronteira brasileira abre caminho para melhor gestão de fluxos migratórios no país

29 April 2016

Mais de 70 representantes do governo (municipal, estadual e federal), da sociedade civil e da comunidade científica participaram, nos dias 27 e 28 de abril de 2016, do “Curso sobre migração, tráfico de pessoas e atendimento a pessoas vulneráveis à exploração”, realizado na Universidade Federal de Roraima, em Boa Vista. O curso insere-se no âmbito do projeto MT Brasil, financiado pela União Europeia, o Ministério da Justiça do Brasil (MJ), o Ministério do Trabalho e Previdência Social do Brasil (MTPS) e o Escritório Federal para Migrações da Suíça, e implementado pelo Centro Internacional para o Desenvolvimento de Políticas Migratórias (ICMPD).

Mais de 70 representantes do governo (municipal, estadual e federal), da sociedade civil e da comunidade científica participaram, nos dias 27 e 28 de abril de 2016, do “Curso sobre migração, tráfico de pessoas e atendimento a pessoas vulneráveis à exploração”, realizado na Universidade Federal de Roraima, em Boa Vista. O curso insere-se no âmbito do projeto MT Brasil, financiado pela União Europeia, o Ministério da Justiça do Brasil (MJ), o Ministério do Trabalho e Previdência Social do Brasil (MTPS) e o Escritório Federal para Migrações da Suíça, e implementado pelo Centro Internacional para o Desenvolvimento de Políticas Migratórias (ICMPD).

Press Release
Training on the Brazilian land border paves the way for enhanced migratory flows management in the country

29 April 2016

More than 70 representatives of Brazilian local, state and federal governments, civil society and the scientific community participated in the "training on migration, trafficking in human beings and assistance to people vulnerable to exploitation" held at the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), Boa Vista on 27 and 28 April.

More than 70 representatives of Brazilian local, state and federal governments, civil society and the scientific community participated in the "training on migration, trafficking in human beings and assistance to people vulnerable to exploitation" held at the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), Boa Vista on 27 and 28 April.

Project News
Bringing Azerbaijani and EU citizens closer together

28 April 2016

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) presented the new EU-funded project "Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE)" in Baku at the kick-off and coordination meeting of the project.

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) presented the new EU-funded project "Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE)" in Baku at the kick-off and coordination meeting of the project.
