24 October 2022
Between July and September 2022, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organised a first series of training on gender-based violence and risk of human trafficking of unaccompanied minors.
24 October 2022
During 20-21 October, the Ombudsman Office, in coordination with the Moldovan Bureau for Migration and Asylum, carried out the first forced return monitoring mission in country’s history. Forced-return monitoring aims to ensure human rights compliance during the removal operations with a view to increase transparency and accountability.
24 October 2022
On 18 October 2022, ICMPD, as part of the SPRING project, held a webinar on fast tracking the labour market integration of people from Ukraine. The panel featured six experts and practitioners who shared their views on labour market inclusion from different angles.
20 October 2022
The Training Institute on Migration Capacity Partnership for the Mediterranean (MCP Med TI) held its second Governing Board meeting during a 2-day hybrid event on 18 and 19 October with the presence of representatives from ICMPD, donor and partner countries, observers, and EU agencies.
19 October 2022
As a Secretariat of the Network of Anti-Trafficking Coordinators in South-East Europe (NATC SEE), ICMPD supports the Slovenian chairmanship of the Network to mark the EU Anti-trafficking day. The Network issued a Joint Statement addressing the vulnerability of the millions affected by the war in Ukraine to exploitation, abuse and human trafficking.
17 October 2022
On 11 and 12 October 2022, ICMPD hosted the seventh edition of the Vienna Migration Conference, (VMC2022) Europe’s leading forum on migration. The conference gathered key European and global actors in Vienna’s historic Palais Niederösterreich to discuss the old and new forces shaping international migration – and how governments, international organisations and civil society should respond. These included the impact of ongoing conflicts and instability, instrumentalisation of migration, climate change and post-COVID-19 pandemic labour shortages on the movement of people.
10 October 2022
On 21-22 September 2002, ICMPD and the African Union Commission (AUC) jointly organised a workshop to validate the report «Mapping Issues for Formulating a Strategic Plan for the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration» in Bamako, Mali in Addis Ababa.
10 October 2022
MOBILAZE 2 project organized participation of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the “Effective migration management: putting policy into action” executive training course organized by the School of Transnational Governance and Migration Policy Center by the European University Institute in 5-7 October, in Florence, Italy.
07 October 2022
The seventh annual Vienna Migration Conference (VMC) on 11-12 October will provide a chance to assess the most crucial drivers of migration, with a host of high-level speakers and experts in attendance: regional instabilities and ongoing conflicts, the instrumentalisation of migration, climate change, and post-pandemic labour market shortages.
05 October 2022
In September 2022, the EU-funded MOBILAZE 2 and Prague Process projects organised the International Summer School on Migration. Participants of the event were young graduates and professionals from Azerbaijan and Ukraine who attended lectures and workshops by professors of renowned EU universities.
04 October 2022
On 19-23 September 2022, the MOBILAZE 2 project organised a study visit to Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia for Azerbaijani Border Control Officials. They exchanged on good practices in education, methodology and tools, used in trainings to border service agencies on document security, border management/integrated border management and risk analyses between EU and Azerbaijani colleagues.
04 October 2022
The Strengthening Border Security in Ghana (SBS Ghana) project, funded by European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), in collaboration with the Ghana Integrity Initiative, held a two-day roundtable discussion and workshop on “The Role of CSOs in Ghana’s Border Security Management.”
28 September 2022
During a visit to Uzbekistan, ICMPD Director General signed a Memorandum of Understanding between ICMPD and the Agency for External Labor Migration under the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
20 September 2022
With this delivery of surveillance equipment, the EU assistance to IBM agencies under the EU4IBM project has reached a total value of more than EUR 1.5 million, and includes a wide range of critically needed supplies. These supplies help enable the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to better fulfil border security tasks and respond to newly emerging risks.
19 September 2022
On 14 September 2022, ICMPD held a workshop on the role of communities of practice and cooperation networks in contributing to more inclusive and evidence-informed integration policy and practice. The event featured a diverse range of experts and practitioners working in the field of integration.