
ICMPD runs around 90 projects. Use the filters below to get an overview.

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ENAFRON: Research on Trafficking in Persons


Research / Trafficking in human beings

PP TI: Prague Process Targeted Initiative

Czechia / Poland / Germany / Hungary / Romania / Slovakia / Sweden

EU Support to Law Enforcement

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Capacity Development

EaP-SIPPAP: EaP Cooperation in the Fight against Irregular Migration – Supporting the Implementation of the PP Action Plan

Armenia / Azerbaijan / Georgia / Belarus / Ukraine / Moldova (Republic of)

Irregular Migration

CB LAB: Capacity Building for Combating Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

Albania / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Czechia / Hungary / Kosovo* / North Macedonia / Montenegro / Poland / Romania / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia

Capacity Development / Trafficking in human beings

ISEC France: Development of Common Guidelines and Procedures on the Identification of Victims of Trafficking

France / Bulgaria / Spain / Greece / Netherlands / Romania

Trafficking in human beings

BOMCA Phase VIII: Border Management in Central Asia

Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / Uzbekistan

Border Management and Security

IPT: Enhanced Identification and Protection of Trafficked Persons in Türkiye


Capacity Development / Trafficking in human beings

Itineris: Protection of Migrants’ Rights From Exploitation, From Brazil to the European Union

Brazil / Spain / Portugal

Capacity Development / Trafficking in human beings
