Calls for Experts

ICMPD is frequently looking for qualified experts with specific knowledge in different fields. The specific calls for experts are listed below.

Current Calls for Experts

Posting Date:                                                 16/07/2024
Reference number:                                       CfE 0724/507F/Long-term Expert
Deadline for Applications:                           31/07/2024
Duty Station:                                                  Ankara, Türkiye (at the Presidency of Migration Management Premises)
Contract Duration:                                        180 working days
Organisational overview

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation with 20 Member States and more than 500 staff members. Active in more than 90 countries worldwide, it takes a regional approach in its work to create efficient cooperation and partnerships along migration routes. Priority regions include Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Mediterranean, Silk Routes, Western Balkans and Türkiye. Its approach to migration management – structurally linking policy & research, migration dialogues and capacity building – contributes to better migration policy development worldwide.

Project Background

INTERLINK project aims to provide technical support to the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) for a holistic and integrated migration management through strengthened operational and technical capacity to process the visa and resident permit procedures to facilitate legal and safe pathways of migration.


Under the scope of the INTERLINK Project, where a long-term expert who is proficient in active Power BI, R, data visualization, and statistical analysis will be recruited to provide technical support to the Presidency of Migration Management. The expert will be full-time located at the PMM premises.


The incumbent is required to deliver the below tasks within these terms of reference:

  • The duration of the assignment is for 180 working days, and the expert is expected to work full time (40 hours per week) at the PMM premises.
  • The Expert will support the roles and functions of the Presidency of Migration Management and any other responsibilities assigned by the Project Manager and/or Presidency of Migration Management.
  • The Expert will use the existing software for data monitoring, data visualization, and statistical analysis.
  • The Expert will provide technical support to the Presidency of Migration Management in the areas of Power BI, R, data visualization, and statistical analysis.
  • The Expert work to identify the correct statistical analysis methods and to make the data more readable through data manipulation.
  • The Expert will take an active role in the processes of collecting, cleaning, integrating, pattern analysis, reporting and presenting the data.
  • The Expert will analyze big data to discover trends, insights, and patterns.
  • The Expert must perform their tasks and responsibilities in line with the requirements of the PMM and will be under the direct charge of the PMM and ICMPD.

The incumbent is expected to provide the following deliverables:

  • At the end of the contract duration, the expert will submit a handover report on the identified lessons learned and additional support needs to the ICMPD and PMM.

The final reporting deliverable must be submitted by the end of the contract duration.

Maximum number of working days: 180
Reporting lines

The Expert will report to the Project Manager, Ayca Kutlu (, who will be in charge of the overall supervision both in terms of administrative and content issues and who will provide input and comments on deliverables as needed.

Qualifications and Experience

Provide qualifications and experience requirements

  • Graduated from Statistics, Computer Programming, Software Engineering or similar Departments of Universities,
  • Substantive knowledge of Power BI, R or similar software, data visualization, and statistical analysis,
  • Proven experience in the area of Power BI, R or similar software, data visualization, and statistical analysis,
  • Migration-related experience with Public Institutions and/or International Organizations is an asset,
  • Advanced level drafting skills,
  • Proficiency in (verbal/written) English,
Background information/documentation to be provided by ICMPD
  • Project Description
  • Project Work Plan
  • Templates of administrative documents (timesheet, payment claim).
Administrative Information
  • Travel (no travel needed for this assignment)

The Expert shall receive from ICMPD a travel itinerary and be entitled to receive a daily subsistence allowance (DSA) for the foreseen activities abroad. Travel and mission related payments will be processed according to ICMPD Travel Rules applicable at the time when the travel takes place.

  • Payment

Fees for the assignment are paid upon satisfactory delivery of services, in line with the payment schedule stated in the contract and upon submission of required documentation.

Application Process

Interested experts should send their CV with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to , and address it to Ms. Hazal Oz.

ICMPD may check references for first time recruitments.


Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to face meeting or an interview via videoconference.

The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Organisational overview

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation tasked with promoting innovative, comprehensive and sustainable migration policies. With 20 Member States and over 90 projects active throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, ICMPD is a growing and ever-more relevant presence in its field. The organisation’s greatest assets are its 500+ staff members, who personify its values of commitment, integrity, partnership, respect, and innovation in actions and decisions.

Project background

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is implementing the project Children on the Move – Improving Child Protection at Pakistan’s Land Border Crossing Points (ICP-PAK). The project is funded by the UNICEF and Kingdom of Netherlands with a duration of 24 months and started its inception phase in March 2024.  

The overall objective of the project is to increase awareness and capacity in the area of child protection at the land border crossing points (BCPs) between Pakistan and Afghanistan (Torkham and Chaman) with the view to improve the safety and rights of children at the move.  The project seeks to achieve this via area 1, area 2, area 3, etc. 


The STE will be involved in the implementation of selected project activities to provide capacity development, advisory, and technical support to the project’s beneficiary agencies in Pakistan. The STE will provide in-depth expertise on child protection matters, contributing to enhanced child protection in relation to border control via strengthened intra-agency and inter-agency cooperation, as well as the operational capacity of border authorities and child protection stakeholders at Torkham and Chaman land BCPs.

The STE will play a leading role in the development and implementation of a trend and gap assessment at the two target land BCPs, including the development of recommendations to guide future project implementation. The STE will support the design and delivery of targeted, skill-based training to border authorities working operationally at the land BCPs, with the objective of improving child protection and safeguarding practices within the BCPs. The STE will contribute to developing, via consultation, a technical package for border authorities to sustainably improve child protection procedures and tools at the BCPs, as well as guide the establishment of cooperative networks, processes, and guidelines to enhance working relationships between border authorities and provincial child protection actors. 

Throughout the assignment, the STE will be requested to contribute expert opinions and advice to guide all elements of project implementation, from activity design and methodology to communications, monitoring, and evaluation. The STE will also support the project with the building and maintaining of working relationships with relevant stakeholder groups. 

The STE will work in close cooperation with the Project Implementation Team (PIT) in Islamabad and Vienna (HQ) and a multi-disciplinary expert team to contribute to the implementation of the nine deliverables of the project. A key element of the STE’s role will be to work with thematic border management and security experts to identify effective approaches to integrate internationally and nationally recognised child protection standards, references, and practices into a border management and security context. 

Qualifications and Experience

  • At least 10 years of relevant professional experience in child protection  
  • University degree or equivalent relevant professional experience/training
  • In-depth knowledge and experience of implementation of child protection measures, and experience from migration will be considered an asset. 
  • Excellent analytical and reporting skills Ability to work effectively in a politically sensitive environment and exercise discretion, impartiality, diplomacy, and neutrality
  • Ability and flexibility to work in a team of peers, as well as to lead them
  • Excellent presentation and representational skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Ability to work in high-risk countries under security pressure
  • Excellent facilitation and professional training skills
  • Excellent language and communication skills (English, Urdu)
  • Knowledge of additional national languages would be an asset
  • In-depth knowledge of Pakistan’s social protection legislation, standards, policies and practices, in particular in the area of child protection and knowledge about the authorities and organisations active in the field;
  • In-depth understanding of the current trends of cross-border mobility of children along the Afghan-Pakistan border, including the gender dimension and different forms of vulnerabilities faced by children in a migratory situation (i. e. trafficking, labor exploitation, kidnapping, smuggling, forced marriage);
  • Prior experience in designing, delivering and evaluating training programmes in the child protection domain. 
  • Significant practical experience and knowledge of working with diverse national stakeholder groups, including with governmental partners on the development of networks, working groups, common standards and procedures, advocacy and technical capacity development on child protection. 
  • Sound knowledge of the international standards, regulations and policies in the field of child protection;
  • Knowledge of the good practices for law enforcement agencies;
  • Background information/documentation to be provided by ICMPD
  • IBM Gaps and Needs Assessment reports 
  • Project Work Plan and situation analysis
  • ICMPD rules and regulations relevant to the work of the short-term expert
  • Any other relevant documents

Administrative Information 


The Expert shall receive from ICMPD a travel itinerary and be entitled to receive a daily subsistence allowance (DSA) for the foreseen activities abroad. Travel and mission related payments will be processed according to ICMPD Travel Rules applicable at the time when the travel takes place. 


Fees for the assignment are paid upon satisfactory delivery of services, in line with the payment schedule stated in the contract and upon submission of required documentation. The successful applicant will be provided with an offer of renumeration for the delivery.

Application Process

Interested experts should send their CV and short cover letter with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to, and address it to Mr. Erik Reho (Project Manager)

There is no deadline for submitting applications but ICMPD prioritises filling the position as soon as possible and will continuously evaluate candidates.

ICMPD may check references for first-time recruitments. 

Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to-face meeting or an interview via videoconference.
The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Please find the full Terms of Reference HERE. 

For the diagnosis of electrical circuits of 9m patrol vessels in the MNG fleet.

Posting date: 15/04/2024 (call open until end of project: August 2025).

Type of post: Homebased, with possible virtual and/or physical short-term assignments.

Project Background 

ICMPD oversees and implements projects in the field of migration in a range of areas including capacity development, research, dialogue, and procurement. The Border Management Programme for the Maghreb region (BMP Maghreb), implemented by ICMPD, is a regional programme planned in North Africa within the framework of the European Union Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF). 

There are two components within this programme: the Moroccan component and Tunisian component - the latter is implemented with the Italian Ministry of Interior as co-delegate. The main objective of the programme for the Tunisian component, the focus of this call, is to support the strengthening of Tunisian Maritime National Guard (MNG) capacities in surveying, patrolling, and securing the national waters along the whole coastline. The MNG is part of the Directorate General of the Border Guard (DGGF) of the National Guard. It carries out the functions of control and surveillance of the National maritime area including all coastal area. 

The project is supporting notably the purchase and implementation of an overall integrated maritime surveillance system composed of surveillance radar, private LTE communication and transmission network, and relevant coastal surveillance system. 

Tasks – Tunisia Component

The selected expert will be responsible during each phase for the following tasks:

1. Phase 1: Conduct an on-site diagnosis of the electrical circuits on the vessels, propose appropriate solution for each vessel, estimate the work needed and provide assistance in preparing the tender dossier.

a. On-site diagnosis of MNG vessels' electrical circuits:

  • Inspection and testing of existing electrical installation / wiring to identify any damage or anomalies.
  • Detailed Analysis of the energy balance of each boat, including the electrical installation, electricity consumption, energy sources, storage (batteries), charging systems lighting, navigation equipment, and communication systems.
  • Identification of problems and potential risks associated with electrical circuits and installed equipment.

b. Proposal of suitable solution(s):

  • Development of the professional diagnostic reports presenting the current state and to address the issues identified on each vessel during the on-site diagnosis.
  • Optimization of the energy balance by suggesting appropriate starting and working batteries capacity calculated based on the existing electrical consumers + 25% reserve for potential new equipment that will be added later.
  • Proposal for installation of a suitable charger, which, in addition to the installed alternator, will also enable the charging of batteries when moored in port from the 230V AC electrical network.
  • Meetings with ICMPD Project implementation team and Presentation of options for renovating, upgrading, repairing, or replacing faulty or outdated parts of electrical system on the vessels.

c. Sealing Evaluation:

  • Inspection of hulls, joints, and sealing systems.
  • Identification of water infiltration points and risk areas.
  • Assessment of the overall condition of sealing and potential risks to safety and integrity of the boats. 

d. Determination of required works:

  • Preparation of a comprehensive list of necessary tasks, including repairs, modifications, and installations for each vessel.
  • Drafting a detailed specification for necessary repair and improvement works, including technical specifications, standards to comply with, and recommendations for materials and equipment to be used.

e. Providing assistance in preparing the tender dossier for the execution of the renovation works.

  • Assistance to the contracting authority in preparing the technical requirements for the tender dossier for the renovation works. 
  • Assistance to the contracting authority in developing the evaluation criteria for assessing potential bidders.
  • Assistance to the contracting authority to prepare answers for clarification requests received from potential bidders.

2. Phase 2: On-site technical support during the Final acceptance procedure:

a. Technical support to Final Acceptance:

  • Conducting thorough inspections (sealing and electricity) of the performed works based on the check list developed for each vessel.
  • Verifying that the applied solutions effectively address all the identified issues.
  • Ensuring that the renovated electrical circuits and the sealing works meet the technical requirements, standards, and safety regulations.
  • Providing technical assistance for the final acceptance with ICMPD and the beneficiary.


The expert will be responsible for:

  • providing Diagnosis report and Check list for the acceptance for each vessel / unit (31).
  • Detailed list of necessary repairs with a cost estimate.
  • Technical specifications for carrying out the repairs.

Diagnostic Report for each boat must include the: 

  • Analysis of the existing electrical circuits on the vessel.
  • Analysis of the existing sealing situation on the vessel.
  • The proposed solution(s) needed to address the identified issues. 

Reports must be clear, concise, and easy to understand. They will serve as an essential ground to develop the technical specifications in the process of tendering the company which will implement the renovation works. 
Deadline for submission of the diagnostic reports for all vessels: 1 month after signature of the contract.

Check list for acceptance for each boat must include the: 

  • All works and supplies based on the selected technical offer to be checked and confirmed on-site.
  • Identification of deficiencies, their classification (critical, medium, less important) and proposing suggestions (time and solution) for eliminating identified deficiencies.

Deadline for submission of the Check lists for acceptance for all vessels: 1 month after the selection of the tenderer which will execute the works.

The above Reports and Check lists must be sent to the BMP Maghreb Project Manager. Approval of these reports is the responsibility of Project Manager.

Required Qualifications and Experience

General requirements:

  • The expert must be a citizen of the Republic of Tunisia with permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Tunisia.
  • The beneficiary reserves the right to proceed with necessary security checks and the selected expert will have to obtain security clearance according to the procedure of the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Tunisia if required.
  • Language skills: Proficiency in (verbal/written) in French. Arabic and English will be considered as an asset.

Technical expertise:

  • Certified experience in a field directly related to this project, specifically within areas such as naval electrical systems.
  • In-depth knowledge in naval electrical domain with an emphasis on the electrical installations on small patrol vessels.
  • Experience in diagnosing and repairing sealing systems in the maritime sector.
  • Knowledge of current maritime standards and regulations, particularly in terms of electrical safety, environmental protection, and energy management.
  • Previous experience with similar MNG, Navy etc. vessels will be considered as an asset.

Compensation and support

  • Experts and professionals are granted a fixed expert fee and a daily subsistence allowance according to the project’s rules; 
  • International travel, if applicable, is arranged and paid by the project;
  • All experts and professionals are supported by the BMPM team throughout the different stages of assignment and deployment.

Application Process:
Interested experts should send their CV with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to, and address it to Mr. Tarak Maherzi.

Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to face meeting or an interview via videoconference.

The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor and beneficiary. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Posting Date: 30/04/2024

Reference number: CfE 0220/F493/Short Term Expert

Deadline for ApplicationsN/A

Duty Station: Ankara, Türkiye & Remote based; (including travels to Türkiye’s Eastern and South Eastern provinces when necessary)

Contract Duration: Depending on the assignments to be proposed


Organisational Overview

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation tasked with promoting innovative, comprehensive, and sustainable migration policies. With 20 Member States and over 90 projects active throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America; ICMPD is a growing international organization with a broadening presence in its field. The organisation’s greatest assets are its 500+ staff members, who personify its values of commitment, integrity, partnership, respect, and innovation in actions and decisions.

Project Background

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) has currently been implementing the Project for “Supporting Türkiye’s Efforts to Strengthen Border Management at the Eastern and South Eastern Land Borders (SAFE)”. The SAFE Project is funded by the European Commission and its implementation period is 60 months (between January 2024 and December 2028). The Main Beneficiary of the Project is Directorate General of Border Management (DGBM) under the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI) in Türkiye.

The overall objective of the Project is to enhance Türkiye’s ongoing efforts in strengthening migration and border management capacity in line with the guidelines under Chapter 24 and the specific objective is to enhance Türkiye’s capability to address irregular migration by advancing the technological and institutional capacity and operational expertise concerning the surveillance of Türkiye’s eastern and south-eastern land borders, while supporting the project beneficiaries’ adherence to international human rights standards.

The action covers the procurement and installation of three large scale sets of equipment, namely a border lighting system, stationary surveillance system including communication and surveillance masts and mobile electro-optical cameras. The equipment to be procured will be utilised on Türkiye’s eastern and south eastern land borders, complementing similar efforts realised earlier through IPA funds and national resources. It is expected that the action will result in strengthened security at the Turkish land borders, reduction in the number of casualties among migrants at the land border zones, reduction in any form of smuggling through the land borders and lead to a modernised border management system that promotes effective border surveillance, secure borders and safe and orderly migration. 

Main Outputs of the Project:

The Action will deliver the following main outputs:

  1. Procurement and installation of border lighting systems consisting of a set of road lanterns or other similar solutions at Türkiye’s eastern and south eastern land borders,
  2. Procurement and installation of stationary surveillance system including communication and surveillance masts and other compatible and complementary monitoring technology including energy supply lines at Türkiye’s eastern and south eastern land borders,
  3. Procurement and delivery of mobile electro-optical cameras at Türkiye’s eastern and south eastern land borders,
  4. Provision of capacity building and technical assistance the beneficiary institutions regarding (a) the operation and maintenance of the procured equipment and infrastructure, as well as (b) human rights based and protection-sensitive border surveillance.

To establish a pool of experts, ICMPD is seeking Short Term Experts, in line with the following profiles, qualifications and experience, who will provide support for project implementation.

Experts Profiles:

Short Term Expert-1: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Expert

Qualifications and experience:

  • Advanced degree in a relevant field (IT, communications);
  • Experience working in/for an entity/ organisation, private or public (such as a public security agency, a private telecommunications company, etc.), in a relevant field;
  • At least eight (8) years of experience in relation to the implementation of modern communication and transmission technologies and solutions for public safety networks, mobile network technologies, or mobile radio solutions, including being involved in the study/design or implementation of related projects; Demonstrated experience on design/supply and implementation of relevant projects on the supply of wireless data transmission equipment, electro-optical surveillance systems or related ICT technologies;
  • Previous experience in conducting feasibility studies, drafting tender documents, including technical specifications for complex communication networks is a strong advantage.
  • Extensive knowledge of border management situation in Türkiye is an advantage;
  • Previous experience in international projects (including in support to assessment, design, public/international tendering processes, as well as to the set-up and implementation of solutions) in this field is an advantage;
  • Strong experience in working with law enforcement bodies or national border-related authorities will be an asset;
  • Strong English proficiency is a requirement, with proficiency in Turkish considered a valuable asset.

Short Term Expert-2: Electrical Engineer/Technician

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field;
  • At least eight (8) years of experience in designing, installing, supervising and monitoring the installation of complex electrical/lighting systems, including supply/transmission lines.
  • Experience in drafting tender documents (technical specifications, market research, ground survey etc.) for supply and installation of electrical supply/transmission lines is a strong advantage.
  • Extensive knowledge of border management situation in Türkiye is an advantage;
  • Previous experience in international projects (including in support to assessment, design, public/international tendering processes, as well as to the set-up and implementation of solutions) in this field is an advantage;
  • Strong experience in working with law enforcement agencies or national border-related authorities will be an asset;
  • Strong English proficiency is a requirement, with proficiency in Turkish considered an asset.

Short Term Expert-3: Survey/Topographical Expert

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in the field of Survey/ Topographical Engineering;
  • Demonstrated experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS);
  • Demonstrated experience in working on different data types and map projections, geospatial workflows and solutions;
  • Extensive knowledge of border management situation in Türkiye is an advantage;
  • Previous experience in international projects (including in support to assessment, design, public/international tendering processes, as well as to the set-up and implementation of solutions) in this field is an advantage;
  • Strong experience in working with law enforcement agencies or national border-related authorities will be an asset;
  • Strong English proficiency is a requirement, with proficiency in Turkish considered an asset.

Short Term Expert-4: Construction/Civil Engineer

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or a related field;
  • Good understanding of relevant regulations, land use policies, and environmental considerations regarding Türkiye’s context.
  • Previous experience in construction projects, offering support across assessment, design, and public/international tendering processes, as well as experience in project management.
  • Strong experience collaborating with law enforcement agencies or national border-related authorities, facilitating effective communication, and understanding of specific project requirements and regulatory compliance.
  • Previous experience in the design and management of road infrastructure projects.
  • Familiarity with construction management software, such as AutoCAD, Revit, or similar tools, to facilitate design, drafting, and project documentation.
  • Strong English proficiency is a requirement, with proficiency in Turkish considered an asset.

Short Term Expert-5: Consulting Engineer

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or a related field, providing a strong foundation in engineering principles and project management.
  • Proven experience in providing consultancy on the procurement and installation-focused projects.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in project management, including planning, budgeting, scheduling, and resource allocation, to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery of infrastructure/installation projects.
  • Expertise in assessing technical requirements, conducting site surveys, and coordinating with suppliers, contractors, and government agencies to ensure project specifications are met.
  • Strong understanding of border security requirements and regulations, including knowledge of relevant legislation, policies, and security standards.
  • Effective communication and negotiation skills, essential for liaising with stakeholders, government officials, suppliers, and contractors to facilitate project implementation.
  • Proven ability to manage multidisciplinary project teams and subcontractors, ensuring coordination and collaboration across various stakeholders.
  • Commitment to quality assurance and compliance with industry standards, ensuring the reliability, safety, and effectiveness of installed infrastructure.
  • Previous experience in consulting engineering roles, particularly in the field of border security infrastructure projects, is highly desirable.
  • Strong English and Turkish proficiency is a requirement.

Short Term Expert-6:  Field Coordination Expert

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Military Science, International Relations, Political Science, or a related field, providing a solid foundation in strategic analysis and defense studies.
  • Demonstrated expertise in stakeholder management, showcasing hands-on experience with various tender processes regarding the procurement of border surveillance systems or related equipment for Türkiye's eastern and/or south-eastern borders.
  • Proven track record of working on solutions to support border surveillance activities and strategic planning.
  • Extensive knowledge of the border management situation in Türkiye, including understanding of geopolitical dynamics, security challenges, and defense policies.
  • Previous involvement in international military projects, providing support across assessment, design, and implementation processes, enhancing familiarity with diverse operational environments and cultural contexts.
  • Strong experience collaborating with law enforcement agencies, military organizations, or national border-related authorities, facilitating effective communication and coordination of security initiatives.
  • Strong English and Turkish proficiency is a requirement.

Short Term Expert-7:  Border Management Expert

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or a related field, providing a solid technical foundation and understanding of border surveillance systems.
  • At least eight (8) years of experience in designing, installing, supervision/monitoring of the installation process of complex border surveillance systems, including construction works, cameras, radars and different sensors, as well as communication equipment’s.
  • Demonstrated expertise in conducting technical assessments and feasibility studies for surveillance system installations, drafting tender documents (technical specifications, market research, ground survey etc.), participating in tender processes, procurement and delivery of border surveillance systems, including communication equipment.
  • Extensive knowledge of the border management situation in Türkiye is an advantage
  • Previous involvement in international border management projects, providing support across assessment, design, and implementation phases, with experience in tendering processes is an asset
  • Strong English proficiency is a requirement, with proficiency in Turkish considered an asset.
Compesation and support

Experts will be granted a fixed expert fee and, a daily subsistence allowance, if indicated by the relevant contract, according to the project’s rules;

International travel, if applicable, will be arranged and paid by the project;

All experts will be supported by the Project Implementation Team throughout the different stages of assignment.

Application Process

Interested experts are expected to send their up-to-date CV and a letter describing clearly how their experience meets the desired requirements, with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to

Interested experts should also register in the Expert Roster at the ICMPD website.

ICMPD expert roster:

Although the call remains open for the duration of the project, experts are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible.

This call for experts is published to build a pool of experts for the project and thus it will only be possible for the project team to contact the experts who are considered to be recruited for certain project activities. Please apply only if your CV corresponds with the desired profile. 

Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to-face meeting or an interview via video-conference.

The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

A. Project description 

The SUPREME project focuses on further strengthening migration management in Turkey through a complementary manner in order to cover all indispensable elements of the fully-fledged work in this area, through a structured and complementary manner. While on one side, the project will aim to strengthen the development of policies and operational strategies, on the other side, it will support the well-functioning of a national voluntary return operations and exploring of possibilities of introducing of reintegration policies and programmes. 

The project will be providing support to DGMM, through supporting policy development process and enhancing a sustainable cooperation framework with country of origins. In order to further strength the operational capacity of DGMM, providing technical assistance for the establishment and functioning of national AVR system and exploring possibilities for development of a national reintegration programme that could be applied for the returned migrants and rejected asylum seekers, will be focus of the project aiming to strength operational capacity of DGMM. 

The project is funded by the United Kingdom and implemented by ICMPD.

B. Background 

With the entry into force in April 2013 of the new Law on Foreigners and International Protection of Turkey, which law regulates the entry and stay of foreigners in Turkey as well as all matters related to international protection; the DGMM was established and became operational in April 2014 as Turkey’s new specialised migration management authority. 

ICMPD has been implementing projects in Turkey, focusing primarily on topics related to migration management and policy development, but also providing support to the establishment and capacity development of DGMM as an institution. 

The SUPREME project has been preceded respectively by the DGMM I, DGMM II and DGMM III projects, which have aimed at providing support to the institutional development and enhancing operational capacity of the DGMM in selected areas of migration management, such as legal migration, irregular migration and international protection, including legal migration, return and readmission, AVR and temporary protection. Furthermore, 3 other projects, namely eSRAC, PREDOC and READMIC projects, have aimed at providing support to DGMM in establishing a capacity in DGMM for conducting migration risk analyses and developing a pre-departure travel document and visa control system in countries of origin as well as training the DGMM staff on the effective implementation of the EU-TR Readmission Agreement.

C. Objectives and Key Areas to be covered by the Project

Building upon the outcomes of the previous projects, SUPREME project aims to provide further support to the DGMM in strengthening of the policies and procedures, support the functioning of the National Assisted Voluntary Return, supporting development of reintegration programme and as well as enhancing structured cooperation with countries of origin for an effective and sustainable migration management in Turkey.

Specifically, the main objectives and components of the SUPREME project are: 

1. To strengthen of the Policies and Procedures

2. To enhance International Cooperation with Countries of Origin

3. To support the functioning of the National Assisted Voluntary Return 

4. To support development of a reintegration programme

Given the objectives of the SUPREME project, the expert(s) may be required to assist in the performance of assignments in the following specific areas: 

1. Strategy and Policy development in Irregular Migration; 

2. Development of Assisted Voluntary Return Mechanisms and Procedures, 

3. Development of reintegration policy and procedures, 

4. Research and Cooperation with Countries of Origin

5. Development of Regional and International Cooperation Strategy in Migration. 

D. Short-Term Expert involvement 

Experts will be recruited to deliver inputs in line with the above key areas addressed by the project and to support ICMPD in providing technical assistance, conducting desk research, drafting policy and strategy papers and comparative studies, drafting of guidelines and working procedures as well as the elaboration and implementation of expert consultations, workshops, tailor-made trainings and seminars.

E. Desired profile of experts 

1. Practical and/or academic knowledge and experience in one or more of the migration areas and sub-areas mentioned in the above listed topics of the project, 

2. Experience in institutional development and capacity building, 

3. Experience in drafting policy and strategy papers, 

4. Experience in drafting guidelines, (internal) working procedures, recommendations, 

5. Training and facilitation skills, 

6. Excellent drafting skills, 

7. Excellent oral and written English (knowledge of Turkish will be considered an asset) 

8. Previous practical and/or academic experience and knowledge in the region and in countries of origin will be considered an asset.

F. Procedure for expression of interest 

Experts interested to take part in the project, are kindly invited to apply through sending their updated CV and indicating their area of interest and expertise, to the following email address ( Experts' CVs will be added to the expert roster, which is an internal tool that will be used solely for the purpose of above project activities. The CVs will be selected from the roster in order to facilitate a possible recruitment of experts on a short term basis as consultants to work on specific project activities. The exact duration of engagement will be determined separately for each activity. 

“Strengthening the Operational and Strategic Capacity of the Directorate General of Migration Management of Turkey”A) Project description

The DGMM III project “Strengthening the operational and strategic capacity of the Directorate General of Migration Management of Turkey” aims at strengthening the operational and strategic capacity of the Directorate General for Migration Management of Turkey (DGMM) through providing support to the DGMM in enhancing capacities for developing strategies, policies and operational procedures in selected areas of migration.

The project is funded by the United Kingdom and ICMPD is responsible for the management and implementation of the projects.

B) Background 

With the entry into force in April 2013 of the new Law on Foreigners and International Protection of Turkey, which law regulates the entry and stay of foreigners in Turkey as well as all matters related to international protection; the DGMM was established and became operational in April 2014 as Turkey’s new specialised migration management authority.

ICMPD has been implementing projects in Turkey, focusing primarily on topics related to migration management and policy development, but also providing support to the establishment and capacity development of DGMM as an institution.

The DGMM III is preceded by respectively the DGMM I and DGMM II projects, which have aimed at providing support to the institutional development and enhancing operational capacity of the DGMM in selected areas of migration management, such as legal migration, irregular migration and international protection, including temporary protection. Furthermore, 3 other projects, namely eSRAC, PREDOC and READMIC projects, have aimed at providing support to DGMM in establishing a capacity in DGMM for conducting migration risk analyses and developing a pre-departure travel document and visa control system in countries of origin as well as training the DGMM staff on the effective implementation of the EU-TR Readmission Agreement.

C) Objectives and Key Areas to be covered by the Project

Building upon the outcomes of the previous projects, DGMM III project envisages strengthening the operational and strategic capacity of the DGMM and developing strategies and policies in different areas of migration, among which legal migration, irregular migration, return and readmission, as well as in other selective fields of migration.Specifically, the main objectives of the DGMM III project are as following:

  1. Strengthening capacity of DGMM in the field of Legal Migration,
  2. Ensuring support to DGMM in the establishment of a National Assisted Voluntary Return mechanism,
  3. Enhancing operational capacity and procedures in the field of Return and Readmission,
  4. Providing support to DGMM in selective strategic and operational migration areas.

Given the objectives of the DGMM III project, the expert(s) may be required to assist in the performance of assignments in the following specific areas:

  1. Strategy and Policy development in Legal Migration;
  2. Development of Assisted Voluntary Return Mechanisms and Procedures,
  3. Development of Effective Return and Readmission policy and procedures,
  4. Development of Forced Return Procedures with Charter Flights,
  5. Conduct of Migration Risk Analyses and Risk Management,
  6. Effective border (control) management and pre-departure and boarding control systems,
  7. Development of Regional and International Cooperation Strategy in Migration. 

D) Short Term Experts involvement

Experts will be recruited to deliver inputs in line with the above key areas addressed by the project and to support ICMPD in providing technical assistance, conducting desk research, drafting policy and strategy papers and comparative studies, drafting of guidelines and working procedures as well as the elaboration and implementation of expert consultations, workshops, tailor-made trainings and seminars. 

E) Desired profile of Experts 

  1. Practical and/or academic knowledge and experience in one or more of the migration areas and sub-areas mentioned in the above listed topics of the project,
  2. Experience in institutional development and capacity building,
  3. Experience in drafting policy and strategy papers,
  4. Experience in drafting guidelines, (internal) working procedures, recommendations,
  5. Training and facilitation skills,
  6. Excellent drafting skills,
  7. Excellent oral and written English (knowledge of Turkish will be considered an asset)
  8. Previous practical and/or academic experience and knowledge in the region and in countries of origin will be considered an asset<br>

Procedure for expression of interest:

Experts interested to take part in the project, are kindly invited to apply through sending their updated CV and indicating their area of interest and expertise, to the following email address ( 

Experts' CVs will be added to the expert roster, which is an internal tool that will be used solely for the purpose of above project activities. The CVs will be selected from the roster in order to facilitate a possible recruitment of experts on a short term basis as consultants to work on specific project activities. The exact duration of engagement will be determined separately for each activity.

A PDF of the announcement can be downloaded here

Posting Date: 25/11/2021

Deadline for Applications: Open deadline

Duty Station: Home based

Contract Duration: TBC

Organisational overview

Following ICMPD Member States’ adoption of Strategy 2025 in June 2020, the ICMPD team, under the leadership of the Director, Policy, Research & Strategy (PRS), Deputy-Director General, developed a comprehensive Strategy Execution Plan (SEP) as a framework for implementing and monitoring the progress of Strategy 2025. The approach of the SEP is to elaborate and operationalise a results architecture and results-based system to (1) continue and deepen ICMPD’s focus on results, (2) support ICMPD’s continued development of innovative solutions that address key migration challenges, and (3) increase the capture of and communication about ICMPD’s contributions to the migration landscape. Building on an organisational theory of change, the results architecture provides strategic guidance that ICMPD’s leadership and staff can use to steer ICMPD towards increasing the organisation’s impact.

Project background

As part of the SEP, the dedicated Strategy, Knowledge, Evaluation and Impact (SKEI) unit is providing services across ICMPD in the areas of strategy development and execution; monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL); and knowledge management (KM). Staff in this unit are helping ICMPD to develop its results architecture and system. One key component of this work is to support projects and programmes to align their objectives with ICMPD’s strategic objectives as outlined in Strategy 2025 and to strengthen their project designs using a theory of change and other MEL tools. These services support a project- and programme-level focus on results as mapped and linked to strategic objectives, which support staff to capture, explore, and use their results to strengthen their work as well as contribute to ICMPD’s strategic results. The SKEI unit is also building on a separate project undertaken under the PRS Director to develop KM processes and systems for the organisation, which can better capture, manage, transfer, engage and employ ICMPD’s expertise and other critical informational assets in pursuit of the organisation’s strategic objectives and continuously increasing focus on results.


Under the direction of the Senior Policy Advisor M&E, the MEL Expert will be responsible for supporting SEP implementation; planning and managing MEL-related project logistics and tasks as needed, including project administration and substantive support to MEL focused activities; and KM tasks as assigned.


The tasks to be completed by the MEL Expert within this assignment are the following:

  • Activity 1. Contribute to implementation and operationalisation of the SEP at the organisational level, where needed and as assigned.
  • Activity 2. Support ICMPD projects and programmes to develop theories of change and MEL frameworks and plans, where needed and as assigned.
  • Activity 3. Provide input on KM systems, processes, and practices, where needed and as assigned. 
  • Any other tasks, as assigned.


The MEL Expert will be expected to provide specific deliverables related to the tasks assigned. Such deliverables can include theories of change, MEL plans, logic models, logical frameworks, MEL frameworks/results chains, monitoring matrices/tools, and others.

Maximum number of working days: To be determined, based on assigned tasks and needs.


Reporting lines

The Expert will report to Dr. Jacqueline Berman, Senior Policy Advisor, who will be in charge of the overall supervision both in terms of administrative and content issues and who will provide input and comments on deliverables as needed.

Qualifications and Experience

A minimum of Seven (7) years of relevant work experience in strategy development and MEL, including, but not limited to:

Significant experience working with quantitative and qualitative measures/indicators, methodologies, data collection, analysis and MEL project management tools

Development and deployment of monitoring systems, including reporting on progress against indicators

Evaluation approaches, methodologies, design, implementation, analysis and reporting

Evidence-driven learning strategies, resources and tools

Familiarity with knowledge management principles and good practices, as well as the operationalisation of KM systems and processes.

Substantive knowledge of migration issues, especially migration policy.

Ability to work effectively with colleagues from different cultural and professional backgrounds.

Well-established and highly effective oral and written communication skills, including analysis for and drafting of strategy updates, monitoring reports, evaluation reports, lessons learned outputs and related strategy, MEL and KM outputs.

Ability to work independently and efficiently, and on some occasions, under tight deadlines and in a fast-paced environment with minimal supervision

Computer literacy with practical experience using Microsoft applications as well as quantitative and qualitative data analysis and visualization software in an MEL context.

Excellent oral and written command of English, good knowledge of French is an asset.

Demonstrated track record of professionalism, collegiality, teamwork, personal efficiency and effectiveness.

Experience in an international and/or international organisational context

Advanced university degree in migration, political science, international relations, law, social science methodology or similar fields.

Background information/documentation to be provided by ICMPD

  • Timesheets and Payment Claims Templates
  • Any other relevant documents related to the assigned projects

Administrative Information

  • Travel

The Expert shall receive from ICMPD a travel itinerary and be entitled to receive a daily subsistence allowance (DSA) for the foreseen activities abroad. Travel and mission related payments will be processed according to ICMPD Travel Rules applicable at the time when the travel takes place.

  • Payment

Fees for the assignment are paid upon satisfactory delivery of services, in line with the payment schedule stated in the contract and upon submission of required documentation.

Application Process

Interested experts should send their CV with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to, and address it to Ms. Noor Elkholi.

Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to face meeting or an interview via videoconference. The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Project background

The ReConnect Project “Supporting the Development of Return Counselling Capacities in Turkey” aims to support the further establishment and implementation of the National Voluntary Return and Reintegration system of Turkey (NAVRR), involving all relevant actors and fostering cooperation between the national stakeholders to ensure that AVRR in Turkey is accessible through a network of professional return counsellors.

The project is funded by Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is responsible for its management and implementation.

Project Objective

The ReConnect project seeks to respond to the needs of Turkey in the area of return counselling through provision of technical assistance support mainly focusing on trainings with the aim of ensuring the capacity building of the stakeholders that will be involved in the provision of return counselling to migrants in Turkey.

The project will respond to the particular need of future return counsellors in Turkey for developing specific return counselling techniques and methods for them being able to guide the potential returnees with sufficient capacity towards the option of returning to their country of origin.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • Support the implementation of Turkey’s NAVRR system and return policy,
  • Develop the capacities of return counsellors in assisting irregular migrants with making an informed decision as to voluntary return,
  • Increase the institutional capacities in the pre-return phase,      
  • Develop operational capacities for enabling the increase of voluntary return numbers.
  • Develop outreach and communication in regard of AVR throughout Turkey and increase knowledge on AVR to irregular migrants in Turkey

In total 300 return counsellors from 81 Provincial Departments of Migration Management (PDMM) and Turkish Red Crescent (TÜRK KIZILAY) and other Stakeholders will be trained within 10 sets of trainings during the project implementation timeline.


The tasks to be completed by the Trainer Expert within this assignment are the following:

  • Preparation of the training materials and training curricula on return counselling.
  • The provision of trainings on return counselling to staff of public institutions or other institutions in Turkey and/or home-based.
  • Contribution to preparation of manuals and handbooks.


The Expert is expected to provide the following deliverables:

  • Implementation of the Return Counselling Trainings.
  • A comprehensive and detailed training materials, curricula, and presentation including case study examples (in English or Turkish, professionally prepared)

The Expert shall prepare the training materials and training curricula before the inception of the trainings.

Reporting lines

The Expert will report to the Project Manager, Semra Özgür who will be in charge of the overall supervision both in terms of administrative and content issues and who will provide input and comments on deliverables as needed.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Generic requirements
    • Master’s Degree in Migration, Sociology, International Relations, Public Administration or a relevant field.
    • Profound experience and knowledge of migration management in general and return in specific.
    • Migration-related experience with International Organizations,
  • Specific requirements
    • At least 5 years of working experience in the area of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration,
    • Previous experience in providing trainings on return counselling to staff of public institutions, and/or previous work as country return counsellor will be considered an asset.
    • Knowledge of Countries of origin, i.e. Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. is desirable.
    • Experience with teaching communication techniques,
    • Understanding of migration situation and migration management in Turkey.
  • Language skills
    • English or Turkish language proficiency is required.
    •  Understanding of a language of a country of origin is considered an asset.

Background information/documentation to be provided by ICMPD

    • ReConnect project description,
    • Background Documents on the National AVRR
    • Templates (timesheet, payment claim)

Administrative Information

  • Travel

The Expert shall receive from ICMPD a travel itinerary and be entitled to receive a daily subsistence allowance (DSA) for the foreseen activities abroad. Travel and mission related payments will be processed according to ICMPD Travel Rules applicable at the time when the travel takes place.

  • Payment

Fees for the assignment are paid upon satisfactory delivery of services, in line with the payment schedule stated in the contract and upon submission of required documentation.

Application Process

Interested experts should send their CV with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to, and address it to Ms. Semra Özgür.

Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to face meeting or an interview via videoconference.

The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.


The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation tasked with promoting innovative, comprehensive and sustainable migration policies. With 17 Member States and over 60 projects active throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, ICMPD is a growing and ever-more relevant presence in its field. The organisation’s greatest assets are its 200+ staff members, who personify its values of commitment, integrity, partnership, respect, and innovation in actions.


Activity 1: Draft official letters and cooresponances on behalf of JEMPAS II project and submit them to Jordanian ministries, as well as other governmental insititions.Receive replies and communicate them to ICMPD personnel.

Activity 2: Accompany JEMPAS II Project Manager during his visits to the project activities relevant ministries. Provide his legal consultation and suggests practical and applicable lawful solutions.   

Activity 3: Act as a reference and liaisie with relevant authorities during the project implementation on asylum seekers and refugees issues in Jordan, devise best practises and communicate them to stakeholders.

Activity 4: Deliver theoretical and thematic lectures related to asylum seekers and refugees issues, present explanations and interpretation of laws to an audience representing key Jordanian ministries and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) operating in Jordan, tackling the following topics:

  • Jordan Penal Code
  • Civil Statue Law
  • Residency and Labour Work Permits
  • Legal Protection for Refugees in Jordan
  • Refugees Responsibilities and Obligations in the hosting country
  • Felonies and Crimes commited by or against Refugees

Activity 5: Follow up and Coordinate with the Yarmouk University, as well as with participants on  finalization of legal documents and agreed upon deliverables that can be disseminated to attendees and to ICMPD, and consequently communicated to the EU .   

Reporting lines

On a bi-weekly, the Expert will report to Mr. Gaby Daw who will be in charge of the overall supervision both in terms of administrative and content issues, and who will provide input and comments on deliverables as needed.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Over 10 years of experience in the Jordanian Law and articles’ stipulations and interpretation
  • INGO – NGO, CSOs experience in relation to asylum seekers and refugee issues context in Jordan
  • Taxation settlement and exemption
  • Bank transactions and financial policies
  • Fluency and writing skills in both English and Arabic;
  • Proven experience in working with the Jordanian governmental institutions
  • Ability to carry out multi-tasked operations
  • Experience working with MOFA and other key ministries
  • Time management and sound legal recommendations

Material to be provided by ICMPD

  • Administrative support
  • Any other relevant documents

Payment Information 

For payment of the fees for the assignment, the Expert needs to submit - on the templates provided by ICMPD and in line with the payment schedule stated in the contract:

  • counter-signed contract;
  • signed payment claim(s) reflecting the lump sum amount as agreed in the contract

The payment to the bank account indicated by the Expert will only be processed after certification by ICMPD that the required services have been satisfactorily performed. 

Gabi Daw 

Support the purchase and implementation of an overall integrated surveillance system, namely UAV technology for the purpose of search and rescue, and where necessary, coastal surveillance and reconnaissance.

Posting date: April 2023 (call open until end of project 2024)

Type of post: Home-based, with possible virtual and/or physical short-term assignments

Project Background

ICMPD oversees and implements projects in the field of migration in a range of areas including capacity development, research, dialogue and procurement. The Border Management Programme for the Maghreb region (BMP Maghreb), implemented by ICMPD, is a regional programme planned in North Africa within the framework of the European Union Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF).

There are two components within this programme: The Moroccan component and Tunisian component - the latter is implemented with the Italian Ministry of Interior as co-delegate. The main objective of the programme for the Tunisian component, the focus of this call, is to support the strengthening of Tunisian Maritime National Guard (MNG) capacities in surveying, patrolling, and securing the national waters along the whole coastline. The MNG is part of the Directorate General of the Border Guard (DGGF) of the National Guard. It carries out the functions of control and surveillance of the National maritime area including all coastal areas.

The project is supporting notably the purchase and implementation of an overall integrated maritime surveillance system composed of surveillance radar, private LTE communication and transmission network, and relevant coastal surveillance system.


Activities – Tunisia Component

The activities to be completed by the Short-term Expert within this assignment are as follows:


Activity 1: Preparation of technical specifications for UAV acquisition

The expert will prepare comprehensive and detailed technical specifications for acquiring the UAV systems. This includes specifying the required capabilities, performance parameters, and compliance with relevant regulatory standards. The expert will also develop evaluation criteria to assess the compatibility of the proposed systems with the project requirements.

Activity 2Support for the formulation of answers to clarification requests and for the evaluation of offers received for tenders related to the Supply and installation of Coastal Surveillance Systems in the scope of the Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region (BMP-Maghreb)

The expert will contribute to the formulation of answers to clarification requests received during the tender phase and will attend and participate in the evaluation sessions of the tenders received in the framework of the public procurement under BMP Maghreb in the fields of his/her competence. S/he will attend all sessions of the Evaluation Committee.

Activity 3: Provide guidance on UAV equipment selection, customization, and integration to meet specific surveillance requirements for the BMP-Maghreb project.

The expert will assist the project team in identifying suitable systems and customising them to match the specific needs of the BMP-Maghreb project. This includes advising on various models, payload options, flight control systems, communication systems, and sensors.

Activity 4: Develop and deliver training programmes for operation and maintenance to the relevant teams within the Maritime National Guard.

The expert will create comprehensive training programmes to ensure that the MNG personnel can safely and efficiently operate and maintain the systems. This includes both theoretical and hands-on training sessions, as well as the development of training materials and documentation.

Activity 5: Support the integration of UAV systems into the overall coastal surveillance strategy and infrastructure.

The expert will work closely with interdisciplinary teams to ensure seamless integration of the UAV systems into the existing coastal surveillance strategy and infrastructure. This includes advising on data management, communications, and coordination with other surveillance assets.



  • Technical specifications for UAV acquisition and evaluation criteria;
  • Meeting and evaluation report(s);
  • UAV system selection, customisation, and integration report;
  • Training programme materials and documentation;
  • Integration report and recommendations for improving the overall coastal surveillance strategy.

The draft deliverables will be submitted throughout the contract period, but the latest final deliverables must be submitted no later than 1 month after the closing of the contract.

Required Qualifications and Experience

An expert in integrated border detection and surveillance systems will be recruited to carry out this task. The required qualifications are:

  • Degree in engineering, computer science, or a related field;
  • At least five (5) years of experience working in/for an agency/organisation (private or public) in the relevant industry, preferably but not limited to internal security services;
  • Proven experience and proficiency in modern UAV systems, including design, development, and optimisation;
  • Experience working in/for an agency/organisation (private or public) preferably but not limited to internal security services using maritime detection and border surveillance means – at least five (5) years of experience;
  • Previous experience in at least two (2) international projects in this field is an advantage;
  • Previous participation in tendering processes is an advantage;
  • Knowledge of Tunisia and the region is an advantage;
  • Very good knowledge of English;
  • Knowledge of French/Arabic will be an asset.

Compensation and support

  • Experts and professionals are granted a fixed expert fee and a daily subsistence allowance according to the project’s rules; 
  • International travel, if applicable, is arranged and paid by the project;
  • All experts and professionals are supported by the BMS team throughout the different stages of assignment and deployment.

Application Process:

Experts shall send their CV and a letter describing clearly how their experience meets the desired requirements to the following email address:

The title of the call should be included in the subject of the email.

Although the call remains open for the duration of the project, experts are encouraged to submit their application as soon as possible.

CVs will be selected from the pool and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ICMPD cannot guarantee that all experts in the pool will receive assignments.

Posting Date:                                                 July 2023

Reference number:                                     CfE0723/Migration Researcher

Deadline for Applications:                          n/a

Duty Station:                                                  Home based

Contract Duration:                                       Any time throughout 2023-2027



Organisational overview

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation tasked with promoting innovative, comprehensive and sustainable migration policies. With 20 Member States and over 70 projects active throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, ICMPD is a growing and ever-more relevant stakeholder in its field. The organisation’s greatest assets are its 400+ staff members, who personify its values of commitment, integrity, partnership, respect, and innovation in actions and decisions.

Project background

The Prague Process is a targeted migration dialogue and a policy process promoting migration partnerships among its participating countries across Europe, the Caucasus and Asia (see full list of countries-participants to the Process here). The current phase of the Process is defined by the priorities set out in the Prague Process Action Plan 2023-2027 and in the Ministerial Declaration of 2022.

In 2018, the Process launched its Migration Observatory that aims to provide impartial, evidence-based analysis from across the Prague Process region and in line with the six thematic areas of the Prague Process Action Plan. During the Ministerial Conference in 2022, the countries agreed to further expand the capacities of the Migration Observatory for the purpose of collecting data and providing reliable and comprehensive analysis for the use of the Prague Process Parties and Partners, including through improved crisis preparedness and foresight. Read more about the Prague Process on  


Objective of the call

To inform policy-makers and migration practitioners and support evidence-based analysis, this call aims to identify short-term experts with excellent drafting skills and profound knowledge on migration topics and policy developments across the Prague Process region with a proven publication record. Identified experts will be invited to produce research on the jointly defined topics within the priority thematic areas – Irregular Migration, Return, Reintegration and Readmission, Labour Migration, as well as Asylum and International Protection. Assignments may also cover other relevant areas to capture the migration dynamics in the region or benefit targeted events organised within the Prague Process. The engagement of experts mobilised through this Call shall be considered for specific events or as part of the annual publication cycle of the Migration Observatory.


The Short-term Expert shall carry out the following tasks:

  • Propose a list of research topics in line with his/her regional and/or thematic expertise to be addressed within the Prague Process Migration Observatory;
  • After agreeing on a topic, provide a 1-2 page outline detailing the envisaged research;
  • Upon agreement, draft research papers following an established format (e.g. policy briefs; analytical reports; background notes) in English or Russian. The format and other guidance will be conveyed in advance.  


The Short-term Expert shall complete the following deliverables:

  • Provide a list of research topics in line with the provisions of the Prague Process Action Plan 2023-2027 and relevant migration policy developments in the region (free format; not exceeding 5,000 characters without spaces);
  • Upon invitation on behalf of the Prague Process Secretariat Team, present a short outline introducing the specific sections and research questions of the envisaged output;
  • Draft a Policy brief/Analytical report/Background note depending on the final agreement between the expert and the Prague Process Secretariat (ICMPD).

The timeline for completion of the assignment will be agreed with the expert and should be adhered to with strict discipline. Any deviations from the schedule must be discussed with the project team earliest possible.

Reporting lines

The Expert will report to the Project Manager, who will be in charge of administrative and content related issues, providing feedback as needed.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Master’s degree or PhD in migration studies, international relations and/or development, peace and conflict studies, journalism, communications, economics, or related fields
  • At least five years of professional experience in writing and editing research papers targeting policy makers, academic experts and wider audience
  • Sound background knowledge on migration policies and wider migration context
  • Regional expertise (all or some of the following sub-regions/countries: Central Asia, the South Caucasus, Eastern Partnership, EU, Schengen associate countries, Western Balkans, Türkiye)
  • Excellent research and analytical skills, as well as drafting skills in English and/or Russian
  • Proven research record (preference will be given to candidates who published on migration)

Background information/documentation to be provided by ICMPD

  • Background information about the project
  • Templates pertaining to the task
  • Administrative documentation

Payment Information

The expert will be remunerated per output. Fees for the assignment are paid upon satisfactory delivery of services, in line with the payment schedule stated in the contract and upon submission of the required documentation.

Application Process


Interested experts should send their CV, a sample of their related work (e.g. publications), as well as the list of research topics according to their regional and thematic expertise and in line with the provisions of the Prague Process Action Plan 2023-2027 with a reference to this announcement to


Please be informed that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The assignment is subject to availability of project funds and final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Posting Date:                                                 20/06/2023

Reference number:                                       CfE 062023/F390/ICT Expert                                                        

Duty Station:                                                  home-based

Contract Duration:                                        within the project duration        

Project background

The Border Management Programme in Central Asia – Phase 10 (BOMCA 10) is funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium of the border management agencies of the selected EU MSs and ICMPD, led by the State Border Guard of Latvia. The project aims to enhance security, stability and sustainable growth in the region, as well as support cross-border cooperation and improve living conditions for people living in the border areas of Central Asia. Thematically, the project covers four components: institutional development of border management agencies, improvement of detection capacities, trade facilitation and improvement of cross-border cooperation. Geographically, the project covers 5 countries in the region (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Thematic component leaders are based in the respective EU MSs and ICMPD HQ. The BOMCA Secretariat, located in ICMPD HQ in Vienna, is fully responsible for financial, administrative and technical management of the project. Regional structure of the programme consists of the Regional Office in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), and Country Offices in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Astana (Kazakhstan), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and Ashgabat (Turkmenistan). 


Next to the capacity-building activities, BOMCA 10 supports beneficiaries by procuring equipment and other items ensuring successful implementation of the Project activities. Procurement needs were defined by the beneficiaries, thoroughly assessed by the Consortium and the final list of equipment to be provided was approved by the donor, Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic. Among other items, this includes a wide range of ICT equipment for multiple project beneficiaries in 5 CA countries.

The project is looking for national ICT experts in 5 CA countries to support it in development, validation and peer-reviews of technical specifications, market outreach and research, as well as further evaluation of technical offers received in the tender process.


The expert shall:

  1. Review specifications proposed by the beneficiaries, clarify general and specific compatibility. Prepare final technical specifications.
  2. Support project team with market outreach/research and identification of potential suppliers.
  3. Support project team in the clarification period of the tender by drafting clarifications on technical questions from the potential bidders.
  4. Assist project team in reviewing submitted technical offers from the bidders, including, if applicable, drafting clarifications and reviewing feedback from bidders.
  5. Assist in preparation of the technical part of the report of the Evaluation Committee.


  • Technical specifications and market outreach/research
  • Written clarifications in the tendering period, if applicable
  • Evaluation of the technical offers from bidders

Tentative work plan


Number of Working Days (home-based)

Task 1

TBC as per procurement plan

Up to 1 working day per case

Task 2

TBC as per procurement plan

Up to 2 working days per case

Task 3

TBC as per procurement plan

Up to 1 working day per case

Task 4

TBC as per procurement plan

Up to 5 working days per case (considering up to 1 WD per technical offer)

Task 5

TBC as per procurement plan

Up to 1 working day

Maximum number of working days:  10 WDs per procurement case

Reporting lines

On a regular basis, the Expert will closely coordinate with BOMCA10 Country Coordinator who will be in charge of the overall supervision. The final deliverables shall be submitted to Ms. Veronika Goncharova, BOMCA 10 Senior Project Manager.

Qualifications and Experience

  • professional experience in Electronics/Computer Science/IT/Information Systems/ICT infrastructure;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of local ICT markets in CA countries;
  • General understanding of procurement principles and processes is desirable;
  • Fluency in Russian, good command of English is required.

Background information/documentation to be provided by ICMPD

  • Draft specifications from the beneficiaries, relevant clarifications on the request
  • Templates for technical specifications and other documents relevant to the procurement
  • Technical offers from bidders and relevant templates for preparation of the technical evaluation 

Administrative Information

For payment of the fees for the assignment, the Expert needs to submit - on the templates provided by ICMPD and in line with the payment schedule stated in the contract:

  • timesheet(s), duly completed in line with instructions, dated and signed;
  • counter-signed contract;
  • signed payment claim(s) reflecting the days/hours worked as per submitted timesheets.

The payment to the bank account indicated by the Expert will only be processed after certification by ICMPD that the required services have been satisfactorily performed.

Application Process

Interested experts should send their CV with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to


Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to face meeting or an interview via videoconference. The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Supporting the purchase and implementation of an overall integrated coastal surveillance system with private communication network solution.

Posting date: July 2022 (call open until end of project 2024)

Type of post: Homebased, with possible virtual and/or physical short-term assignments


Project Background

ICMPD oversees and implements projects in the field of migration in a range of areas including capacity development, research, dialogue and procurement. The Border Management Programme for the Maghreb region (BMP Maghreb), implemented by ICMPD, is a regional programme planned in North Africa within the framework of the European Union Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF).

There are two components within this programme: the Moroccan component and Tunisian component - the latter is implemented with the Italian Ministry of Interior as co-delegate. The main objective of the programme for the Tunisian component, the focus of this call, is to support the strengthening of Tunisian Maritime National Guard (MNG) capacities in surveying, patrolling, and securing the national waters along the whole coastline. The MNG is part of the Directorate General of the Border Guard (DGGF) of the National Guard. It carries out the functions of control and surveillance of the National maritime area including all coastal area.

The project is supporting notably the purchase and implementation of an overall integrated maritime surveillance system composed of surveillance radar, private LTE communication and transmission network, and relevant coastal surveillance system.


Activities – Tunisia Component


The activities to be completed by the Short-term Expert within this assignment are as follows:


Activity 1: Support during the tendering phase for tenders related to the Supply and installation of Coastal surveillance systems with private communication network solution in the scope of the Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region (BMP-Maghreb).


Activity 2: Technical support, supervision and advice on the installation process and integration of all equipment purchased under tenders related to the Supply and installation of  Coastal surveillance systems with private communication network solution in the scope of the Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region (BMP-Maghreb).


  • Meeting and evaluation report(s);
  • Provisional and/or final acceptance of the system approval report;
  • Any other technical document required during the tender phase and implementation of the contract (as, for example, a motivation for derogation, draft of the testing protocol, snag lists, etc.)
  • Report with recommendations for improving the system and ensuring the sustainability of the project.


The draft deliverables will be submitted throughout the contract period, but the latest final deliverables must be submitted no later than 1 month after the closing of the contract.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • Technical studies in the area of competence;
  • Experience working in/for an entity/ organisation, private or public (such as a public security agency, a private telecommunications company, etc.);
  • At least five (5) years of experience in relation to the implementation of modern communication and transmission technologies and solutions for public safety networks, mobile network technologies, or mobile radio solutions, including being involved in the study/design or implementation of at least three (3) projects;
  • Experience in LTE will be an asset;
  • Previous experience in at least two (2) international projects (including in support to assessment, design, public tendering processes, as well as to the set-up and implementation of solutions) in this field is an advantage;
  • Knowledge of Tunisia and the region is an advantage;
  • Very good knowledge of English;
  • Knowledge of French/Arabic will be an asset.

Compensation and support

  • Experts and professionals are granted a fixed expert fee and a daily subsistence allowance according to the project’s rules; 
  • International travel, if applicable, is arranged and paid by the project;
  • All experts are supported by the BMS team throughout the different stages of assignment and deployment.

Application Process:

Experts shall send their CV and a letter describing clearly how their experience meets the desired requirements to the following email address:


The title of the call should be included in the subject of the email.

Although the call remains open for the duration of the project, experts are encouraged to submit their application as soon as possible.

CVs will be selected from the pool and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ICMPD cannot guarantee that all experts in the pool will receive assignments.

Supporting the purchase and implementation of an overall integrated surveillance system.

Posting date: July 2022 (call open until end of project 2024)

Type of post: Homebased, with possible virtual and/or physical short-term assignments


Project Background

ICMPD oversees and implements projects in the field of migration in a range of areas including capacity development, research, dialogue and procurement. The Border Management Programme for the Maghreb region (BMP Maghreb), implemented by ICMPD, is a regional programme planned in North Africa within the framework of the European Union Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF).

There are two components within this programme: the Moroccan component and Tunisian component - the latter is implemented with the Italian Ministry of Interior as co-delegate. The main objective of the programme for the Tunisian component, the focus of this call, is to support the strengthening of Tunisian Maritime National Guard (MNG) capacities in surveying, patrolling, and securing the national waters along the whole coastline. The MNG is part of the Directorate General of the Border Guard (DGGF) of the National Guard. It carries out the functions of control and surveillance of the National maritime area including all coastal area.

The project is supporting notably the purchase and implementation of an overall integrated maritime surveillance system composed of surveillance radar, private LTE communication and transmission network, and relevant coastal surveillance system.


Activities – Tunisia Component

The activities to be completed by the Short-term Expert within this assignment are as follows:

Activity 1: Support during the tendering phase for tenders related to the supply and installation of  Coastal surveillance systems with private communication network solution in the scope of the Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region (BMP-Maghreb).


Activity 2: Technical support and advice on the installation and integration of all equipment purchased under tenders related to the supply and installation of Coastal surveillance systems with private communication network solution in the scope of the Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region (BMP-Maghreb).



  • Meeting and evaluation report(s);
  • Provisional and/or final acceptance of the system approval report;
  • Any other technical document required during the tender phase and implementation of the contract (as, for example, a motivation for derogation, draft of the testing protocol, snag lists, etc.)
  • Report with recommendations for improving the system and ensuring the sustainability of the project.

The draft deliverables will be submitted throughout the contract period, but the latest final deliverables must be submitted no later than 1 month after the closing of the contract.

Required Qualifications and Experience

An expert in integrated border detection and surveillance systems will be recruited to carry out this task. The required qualifications are:

  • Technical studies in the area of competence;
  • Experience working in/for an agency/organisation (private or public) preferably but not limited to internal security services using maritime detection and border surveillance means – at least five (5) years of experience;
  • Proven experience and proficiency in modern maritime border detection and surveillance technologies, and also in the integration of systems including maritime radar, thermal cameras and any other type of sensor, including mobile platforms;
  • Previous experience in at least two (2) international projects in this field is an advantage;
  • Previous participation in tendering processes is an advantage;
  • Knowledge of Tunisia and the region is an advantage;
  • Very good knowledge of English;
  • Knowledge of French/Arabic will be an asset.

Compensation and support

  • Experts and professionals are granted a fixed expert fee and a daily subsistence allowance according to the project’s rules; 
  • International travel, if applicable, is arranged and paid by the project;
  • All experts and professionals are supported by the BMS team throughout the different stages of assignment and deployment.

Application Process:

Experts shall send their CV and a letter describing clearly how their experience meets the desired requirements to the following email address:

The title of the call should be included in the subject of the email.

Although the call remains open for the duration of the project, experts are encouraged to submit their application as soon as possible.

CVs will be selected from the pool and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ICMPD cannot guarantee that all experts in the pool will receive assignments.

Posting Date: 02/03/2023

Reference number: F431/International Expert

Deadline for Applications: N/A

Duty Station: Home-based (when necessary with missions in Türkiye)

Contract Duration: Depending on the assignments to be proposed

Organisational Overview

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation tasked with promoting innovative, comprehensive and sustainable migration policies. With 19 Member States and over 60 projects active throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America; ICMPD is a growing international organization with a broadening presence in its field. The organisation’s greatest assets are its 450+ staff members, who personify its values of commitment, integrity, partnership, respect, and innovation in actions and decisions.

Project Background

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) has currently been implementing an EU-funded Technical Assistance Project for “Supporting the Institutional Capacity of the National Coordination and Joint Risk Analysis Centre (NACORAC)”. The project’s implementation period is 24 months (between May 2022 and April 2024) and the main beneficiary is the NACORAC Department under the Directorate General of Provincial Administration (DGPA) of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI) in Türkiye.

The overall objective of the Project is to support progress on alignment with EU acquis and improve Türkiye’s institutional capacity on integrated border management (IBM) as regards Chapter 24 (Justice, Freedom and Security) and the specific objective is to improve inter-service cooperation on IBM through support to the institutional capacity and the operationalisation of NACORAC in line with EU standards.

NACORAC currently acts under the MoI’s DGPA as a national risk analysis centre, which is tasked with receiving border management related data from all relevant national stakeholders in Türkiye and with producing and sharing border management risk analysis outputs with all relevant national stakeholders. The Project basically aims to strengthen the institutional capacities of NACORAC and its inter-operability with relevant public institutions.

Main Project Activities:

The following actions are envisaged under the Project:

  • Development of a road map to guide and support the operability of NACORAC on the basis of a comprehensive gaps and needs analysis
  • Establishment of a baseline for inter-agency coordination and cooperation; awareness raising among relevant public institutions on NACORAC and promoting technical level dialogue and consultations with relevant institutions in order to put in place the necessary conditions for operability of NACORAC
  • Establishment of an overall framework for NACORAC to establish partnerships with inter-governmental stakeholders and international partners in order to promote intra-agency and inter-agency cooperation
  • Strengthening the knowledge and experience of staff assigned to NACORAC through various capacity building activities 
  • Establishment of a Data and Risk Analysis Library system for further supporting the functioning of NACORAC
  • Supporting NACORAC for collecting data and conducting data and risk analysis in order to facilitate production of the first annual risk analyses report 
  • Strengthening the physical institutional infrastructure for ensuring uninterrupted functioning of NACORAC

Objective of the Assignment:

The International Expert will be mainly expected to support implementation of the project activities by:

  • drafting concept notes for the implementation of project activities,
  • developing implementation tools such as inter-agency protocols, data security policy documents, standard operating procedures (SOPs);
  • delivering Border Management Risk Analysis trainings (including development of training materials and e-learning materials)
  • providing her/his inputs for specific project outputs,
  • participating to and facilitating some project events.

Qualifications and Experience:

  • Advanced degree in a relevant field,
  • Preferably at least 5-year experience in the context of integrated border management and risk analysis and data analysis,
  • Extensive knowledge on the EU best practices on border management risk analysis
  • Experience in working with law enforcement bodies or customs authorities tasked with border management will be a strong asset,
  • A strong network with the EU Border Management Institutions/Authorities,
  • Extensive experience in drafting analytical papers, concept notes and strategies,
  • Experience in conducting capacity building activities including training material development in the field of risk analysis (FRONTEX certification is an asset)
  • Extensive experience in facilitating workshops and consultation meetings,
  • Strong experience in working with international partners,
  • Strong experience in using data analysis tools,
  • Proficiency in (verbal/written) in English,
  • Excellent drafting skills.

Application Process

Interested experts should send their up-to-date CV with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to

Interested experts should also register in the Expert Roster at the ICMPD website.

ICMPD expert roster:


This call for experts is published to build a pool of experts for the project and thus it will only be possible for the project team to contact the experts who are considered to be recruited for certain project activities. Please apply only if your CV corresponds with the desired profile.

Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to face meeting or an interview via video-conference.

The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Posting Date: 02/03/2023

Reference number: F431/National Expert

Deadline for Applications: N/A

Duty Station: Home-based (when necessary with missions in Türkiye)

Contract Duration: Depending on the assignments to be proposed

Organisational Overview

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation tasked with promoting innovative, comprehensive and sustainable migration policies. With 20 Member States and over 90 projects active throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America; ICMPD is a growing international organization with a broadening presence in its field. The organisation’s greatest assets are its 500+ staff members, who personify its values of commitment, integrity, partnership, respect, and innovation in actions and decisions.

Project Background 

The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) has currently been implementing an EU-funded Technical Assistance Project for “Supporting the Institutional Capacity of the National Coordination and Joint Risk Analysis Centre (NACORAC)”. The project’s implementation period is 24 months (between May 2022 and April 2024) and the main beneficiary is the NACORAC Department under the Directorate General of Provincial Administration (DGPA) of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI) in Türkiye.

The overall objective of the Project is to support progress on alignment with EU acquis and improve Türkiye’s institutional capacity on integrated border management (IBM) as regards Chapter 24 (Justice, Freedom and Security) and the specific objective is to improve inter-service cooperation on IBM through support to the institutional capacity and the operationalisation of NACORAC in line with EU standards.

NACORAC currently acts under the MoI’s DGPA as a national risk analysis centre, which is tasked with receiving border management-related data from all relevant national stakeholders in Türkiye and with producing and sharing border management risk analysis outputs with all relevant national stakeholders. The Project basically aims to strengthen the institutional capacities of NACORAC and its inter-operability with relevant public institutions.

Main Project Activities:

The following actions are envisaged under the Project:

  • Development of a road map to guide and support the operability of NACORAC on the basis of comprehensive gaps and needs analysis
  • Establishment of a baseline for inter-agency coordination and cooperation; awareness raising among relevant public institutions on NACORAC and promoting technical level dialogue and consultations with relevant institutions in order to put in place the necessary conditions for operability of NACORAC
  • Establishment of an overall framework for NACORAC to establish partnerships with inter-governmental stakeholders and international partners in order to promote intra-agency and inter-agency cooperation
  • Strengthening the knowledge and experience of staff assigned to NACORAC through various capacity-building activities 
  • Establishment of a Data and Risk Analysis Library system for further supporting the functioning of NACORAC
  • Supporting NACORAC in collecting data and conducting data and risk analysis in order to facilitate the production of the first annual risk analyses report 
  • Strengthening the physical institutional infrastructure to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of NACORAC

The objective of the Assignment:

The National Expert will be mainly expected to support the implementation of the project activities by:

  • drafting concept notes for the implementation of project activities,
  • developing implementation tools such as inter-agency protocols, data security policy documents, and standard operating procedures (SOPs);
  • delivering Border Management Risk Analysis training (including development of training materials and e-learning materials)
  • providing her/his inputs for specific project outputs,
  • participating in and facilitating some project events.

Qualifications and Experience:

  • Advanced degree in a relevant field,
  • Preferably at least 5 years experience in the context of integrated border management and risk analysis and data analysis,
  • Extensive knowledge of the EU best practices on border management risk analysis
  • Experience in working with law enforcement bodies or customs authorities tasked with border management will be a strong asset,
  • A strong network with the EU Border Management Institutions/Authorities,
  • Extensive experience in drafting analytical papers, concept notes and strategies,
  • Experience in conducting capacity-building activities including training material development in the field of risk analysis (FRONTEX certification is an asset)
  • Extensive experience in facilitating workshops and consultation meetings,
  • Strong experience in working with international partners,
  • Strong experience in using data analysis tools,
  • Proficiency in (verbal/written) in English,
  • Excellent drafting skills.

Application Process

Interested experts should send their up-to-date CV with a reference to this announcement in the subject line of the email to

Interested experts should also register in the Expert Roster at the ICMPD website.

ICMPD expert roster: 

This call for experts is published to build a pool of experts for the project and thus it will only be possible for the project team to contact the experts who are considered to be recruited for certain project activities. Please apply only if your CV corresponds with the desired profile.

Due to the high volume of applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The applicants should be available for a face-to-face meeting or an interview via video conference.

The assignment is subject to project funds availability and/or final approval by the donor. The invitation to an interview does not establish any right to future employment.

Project Description

The overall objective of the Project is to contribute to the socio-economic inclusion of the Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTPs) to the local host communities (LHCs) through improving employment and livelihood opportunities. 

The specific objectives are: 

a) To increase the entrepreneurial activity of the SuTPs and the LHCs by providing an enabling environment and support in creation of new products and markets, which are tradable beyond the local market

b) To get Local entrepreneurial ecosystems more effective and inclusive for the SuTPs and the LHCs

c) To improve the policy development and the coordination of the policy implementation related to the socio-economic integration of SuTPs at the national, regional and local levels

Project`s target groups are:

  • Potential and existing entrepreneurs among the SuTPs and LHCs who are engaged in locally selected products and services
  • National level institutions related to entrepreneurship, development as well as migration policy and implementation
  • Local institutions which provide services to entrepreneurs,
  • Ultimately, SuTPs and LHCs host community entrepreneurs in general and SuTPs and LHCs host community labour force are among final beneficiaries of the ENHANCER project.

Target (implementation) Provinces of ENHANCER Project are as follows:

Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Kayseri, Konya, Mersin, and Şanlıurfa.

The project is being funded by the European Union for 48 months, starting on January 2020 and ending as of December 2023.


Increasing number of SuTPs in Turkey over the last decade has gradually shifted Turkey`s policy orientation from short-term and humanitarian/basic needs-based focus to a more comprehensive migration-sensitive policy approach. Accordingly, socio-economic inclusion of SuTPs to the LHCs remains as a key area considering the local and regional migration policy framework. As outlined in the Updated Strategic Concept Note for FRIT-II released in late 2018, entrepreneurship has been set as a strategic subject for intervention in enabling migrants and host communities have access to dignified sustainable livelihoods. Therefore, entrepreneurship opportunities for SuTPs and LHCs must be developed and encouraged taking into account regional characteristics and local market needs while these are also empowered on the central and local level policy making.

Main Project Activities

  • Basic and technical skills training for potential entrepreneurs,
  • Matching potential and existing entrepreneurs,
  • Mentoring for potential and existing entrepreneurs,
  • Grants for establishment of local entrepreneurship community hubs,
  • Grants for start-ups
  • Grants for local institutions to improve their services for the entrepreneurs,
  • Technical assistance to national level institutions in managing economic development and migration nexus

Short-Term Expert Involvement and the Scope of Work

For upcoming project activities targeting the local ecosystem development, ICMPD seeks to engage Short-Term Experts to conduct needs assessment analysis and prepare business development plans, and propose management models for Local Common Use Facilities (LCUFs). 

Needs Assessment and Business Development Plan preparation studies will be conducted for the LCUFs supported by LCUF Grant Scheme Programme of ENHANCER Project. These studies will identify the suitable infrastructure that might be transformed to "common-use facilities” as grantees of the Grant Scheme Programme. By further providing entrepreneur-specific services and forming a collective space for trainings and events, the facilities (LCUFs) will function as a hub and a community of entrepreneurs. Hence, LCUFs will be designed as critical focal points as entrepreneurial hubs/community centres in which SuTPs and LCHs peers can interact and have access to several services they need.  Needs Assessment and Business Development Plan preparation studies will be conducted in order to place, service and infrastructure requirements and governance of the LCUFs. This will strengthen the local entrepreneurial ecosystems and promote establishment of further opportunities for labour market integration of SuTPs, which will ensure their contribution to overall economic development of Turkey, with their investments.

After needs assessment and business development plan preparation studies, different types of LCUFs are going to be classified and Management Models will be designed for each of the categories as a separate study. Inclusive management models that will ensure sustainability of the facilities will be designed according to the three main pillars of this project; (i) mission-oriented, (ii)place-based, and (iii) collaboration centred. Each business model will consider target products, location, and services provided by the LCUF as an integral part of the local entrepreneurial ecosystem with a particular attention on building collaboration. Management models will also include guidance on good financial management for the LCUFs to ensure their sustainability beyond the life time of the project. Management models would have specific arrangements for women and youth in terms of communication and outreach. The LCUFs will also be inclusive for the SuTPs and host community potential entrepreneurs regardless of their attendance in other activities presented in the project or benefiting from grant supports as an inclusive community centre.

The Experts (to be contracted according to ICMPD Recruitment Procedures) are expected to conduct studies by making desk & field researches, and analysis as well as co-operating with relevant stakeholders and deliver trainings of the models when necessary. 

Required Qualifications

  • Graduate Degree in Social or Natural Sciences. Post-graduate degree in relevant field will be an asset.
  • Minimum of 5 years of relevant professional/academic experience in at least one of the following fields:
  • Migration
  • Economics and/or Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Development and/or Strategy and Business Design
  • Market and Customer Development 
  • Regional Development
  • Sector assessments and development
  • Business development consultancy
  • Institutional capacity building
  • At least one previous experience in working with CUF/ Incubator/Business Development Centre Project is strongly preferred,
  • Professional experience in International Donor-Funded Projects,
  • Professional experience in working with relevant public institutions in Turkey,
  • Excellent drafting/writing and analysis skills,
  • Advanced level of Microsoft Office skills,
  • Excellent oral and written English/Turkish

Procedure for expression of interest

Experts interested in taking part in ENHANCER Project as Short Term Experts (STEs) are kindly invited to apply by sending their up-to-date CVs and indicating their area of interests and strengths via an email sent to the following email address and to register in the Expert Roster at the ICMPD website:

Project email address: 

ICMPD expert roster:

This call for experts is published to build a pool of experts for the project and thus it will only be possible for the project team to contact the experts who are considered to be recruited for certain project activities. Please apply only if your CV corresponds with the desired profile. This call will be open for the duration of the Project. 
