Ministerial Conference of the Salzburg Forum


Published June 2024


#Irregular Migration #Trafficking in Human Beings #Migration and Development

Understanding and supporting female immigrant labour: Comparing the cases of Jordan and Norway


Published June 2024

Jordan / Norway

#Policy #Legal and Labour Migration #Asylum and International Protection #Integration and Social Cohesion

Challenges related to the reception of unaccompanied children from Ukraine in Poland – legal representation issues


Published June 2024

Ukraine / Poland

#Policy #Asylum and International Protection

Migration Curriculum

Working Paper

Published June 2024


#Cross Cutting Topics


The Curriculum was developed based on the Migration Textbook produced within the EU-funded project “Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE 2)” implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). The Curriculum was designed for the needs of academia as well as beyond, such as the Regional Training Centre on Migration (RTCM) of the State Migration Service in Azerbaijan (SMS) and training centres of related migration authorities and relevant non-state organisations. Its use is intended not only for academia but also for non-academic environments to provide updated information on migration management in Azerbaijan amongst relevant stakeholders.

Re-balancing Migration Narratives: Key Lessons on Communication from EUROMED Migration V

Working Paper

Published June 2024

#Migration Dialogues #Migration Narratives and Public Opinion


This report overviews and discusses the key findings from the original research of the EUROMED Migration V programme on migration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Each report was dedicated to a different facet of migration narratives and each offering an original contribution that can help communicators offer a more balanced set of migration narratives.

Emigration narratives: what migrants believe and why it matters

Working Paper

Published June 2024

#Migration Dialogues #Migration Narratives and Public Opinion


Why do some people choose to migrate and some people not? Why are some willing to do so via irregular channels and some unwilling?  Answering these questions allows us to design better interventions to achieve migration policy objectives such as “safe, regular, and orderly migration”. It also helps us answer profound scientific questions using the timeless yet increasingly important case of migration. Given the salience, uncertainty, complexity, risk and novelty of migration—as well as its emotive and valuedriven nature—we can expect narratives to play a powerful and rich role in emigration decisions. This report builds on recent findings and cutting-edge data to investigate the role of narratives in affecting variation in various forms of migration behaviour.

Manual for Early Identification of Potential Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings, Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Exploitation


Published May 2024

#Trafficking in human beings #Governance #Research


The Manual serves as a practical tool for early identification of potential victims of trafficking in human beings (THB) and child sexual abuse or exploitation (CSA/E). It targets frontline responders who, during their daily work, might detect potential and actual victims of THB and/or CSA/E and refer them to relevant support services.


Authors: Elena Petreska (ICMPD), Edgar Federzoni dos Santos (ICMPD), Madalina Lepsa - Rogoz (ICMPD), Ivanka Hainzl (ICMPD), Ishrat Shamim (CWCS), Sergio Rivera Reyes (RENACER), Claudia Álvarez Conde (UCM), Raquel Barras Tejudo (UCM), Carlos Brito Siso (UCM), Jana Dilger (TRI), and Melita Gruevska Graham (ICMPD).

Seeking Sanctuary: Information Needs and Migration Prospects for Afghan Nationals in Pakistan

Policy Brief

Published May 2024


#Irregular Migration


This policy brief aims at understanding the current context for Afghans in the country, examining the policy frameworks that regulate their potential onwards migration to Europe, and discussing policy conclusions for the establishment of safe, orderly, and regular migratory channels and effective policy responses targeting this population.

Displacement, emigration, and return: Understanding migration dynamics and patterns within, to, and from Iraq


Published May 2024


#Irregular Migration #Reintegration


This background report serves as a foundation within the framework of the Migration Information and Awareness Raising on the Risks of Irregular Migration in Iraq (MIRAMI) Project. Building upon existing experiences and collaborations, such as the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) established in Baghdad, the MIRAMI Project aims at increasing awareness of safe and legal migration, reducing irregular migration, and improving reintegration support for returnees through the development of targeted migration information campaigns. The project targets various groups, including potential migrants, returnees, families, female migrants, and influencers like community leaders and media representatives. In doing so, MIRAMI contributes to the Iraqi government's vision of sustainable reintegration for returnees, aligning with national strategies for migration management.

Charting Pathways: Navigating migration prospects among youth in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

Policy Brief

Published May 2024


#Reintegration #Irregular Migration


This policy brief examines the migration intentions and informational landscapes of potential Kurdish irregular migrants, emphasising the information gaps and needs, especially about migration pathways and risks. 

Engaging Return Migrants in Information Campaigns in Iraq: Challenges, Reintegration, and Prospects


Published May 2024


#Irregular Migration #Return and Reintegration


This report investigates the migration and reintegration experiences of Iraqi returnees, their influence on other people’s decisions about migration, and their potential role in the implementation of migration information campaigns. It does so in the framework of the Migration information and awareness raising on the risks of irregular migration in Iraq (MIRAMI) project, which aims, among other things, at increasing awareness on safe and legal migration and reducing irregular migration from Iraq through changes in perceptions and behaviour of potential migrants as well as of the key influencers of their decisions.

Expanding the possibilities of working holidays

Policy Brief

Published May 2024

#Policy #Legal Migration Policy


This policy paper explores the potential benefits of expanding mobility opportunities for third-country national youth to EU Member States and presents different options for making this possible. It also presents the potential trade-offs when it comes to programme goals and design and highlights key considerations for those looking to develop and launch new youth mobility schemes.

Cultivating talent: Exploring effective talent attraction and retention practices in and beyond the EU


Published May 2024

#Labour Migration #Capacity Building


New study commissioned by the Migration Partnership Facility highlights the current challenges and opportunities regarding talent attraction and retention policies in the EU and beyond. Featuring examples of national strategies and practices from all over Europe, the research piece provides a comparative snapshot along with 10 action-driven recommendations.

Irregular pathways: Probing migration dynamics in Iraq and the significance of information campaigns


Published May 2024


#Irregular Migration


This study aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the research project conducted in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq between October 2023 and February 2024.

Scenarios of War and Forced Migration from Ukraine: How many more Ukrainians could flee if Russia wins?

Policy Brief

Published May 2024



This is the third Prague Process Policy brief on the topic of forced migration from Ukraine as the direct result of Russia’s military aggression. In this iteration, the brief deliberates forced migration flows from Ukraine under four potential war scenarios, ranging between a stalemate situation to a hypothetical victory of Russia. These scenarios are informed by observed migration patterns to date.
