Cultivating talent: Exploring effective talent attraction and retention practices in and beyond the EU


Published May 2024

#Capacity Building #Labour Migration


New study commissioned by the Migration Partnership Facility highlights the current challenges and opportunities regarding talent attraction and retention policies in the EU and beyond. Featuring examples of national strategies and practices from all over Europe, the research piece provides a comparative snapshot along with 10 action-driven recommendations.

Irregular pathways: Probing migration dynamics in Iraq and the significance of information campaigns


Published May 2024


#Irregular Migration


This study aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the research project conducted in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq between October 2023 and February 2024.

ICMPD Migration Outlook Silk Routes 2024


Published May 2024

Afghanistan / Bangladesh / India / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Iraq / Pakistan


The regional Silk Routes Migration Outlook zooms in on ICMPD’s global outlook released earlier this year. It takes a closer look at the events that shaped the region and provides an outlook on the possible impact they may have on mobility and migration. The report takes stock of events or policy developments and their ripple effects on displacement across the region’s focus countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan. 

Guardianship Solutions and Services for Unaccompanied and Separated Children under Temporary Protection in the EU: The case of Ukrainian children

Working Paper

Published May 2024

#Temporary Protection


This paper aims to shed light on the different guardianship models and practices that have been developed and implemented within the European Union (EU) for unaccompanied and separated children (UASCs) who have fled Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The review draws particularly on the findings of a prior project publication which analysed Poland’s approach to the administration and delivery of guardianship solutions and services for Ukrainian UASCs since 2022.

Best Practices in Diaspora Engagement for Azerbaijan


Published May 2024


#Diaspora Engagement


This paper aims to advise the Azerbaijani government on better engaging their diaspora. It covers good diaspora engagement practices in general as well as in selected countries. Additionally, it includes lessons learned after the COVID-19 pandemic and presents the kinds of support that can be given to members of the diaspora in times of crisis.

Migration Textbook

Working Paper

Published May 2024


#Cross Cutting Topics


The present migration textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the migration field, exploring its historical roots, current trends, and future prospects. It covers a wide range of issues from across the migration spectrum, including the causes and consequences of migration, the experiences of migrants, the social and economic impacts of migration on sending and receiving countries, and the policies governing migration.

ICMPD Annual Report 2023


Published May 2024


The Annual Report takes stock of the milestones, opportunities and challenges in the past year, along with recurring issues that have surfaced to reshape the migration discourse.

Pathways and policy evolution: Comparing national laws and policies addressing irregular migrants

Working Paper

Published April 2024

#Irregular Migration #Policy


Based on 20 countries across Europe, North America and North Africa, this report synthesises key trends and patterns of national policy approaches towards migrant irregularity, highlighting commonalities and differences across various contexts. In particular, it examines three key research questions: how have irregular migration policies evolved over time and in response to what; what pathways into and out of irregularity have these policies produced or aimed to address; and what challenges have hindered policy implementation. In doing so, the report aims to contextualise irregular migration policy changes, as well as how such policies can channel migrants into or out of irregularity.

EU policy framework on irregular migrants

Working Paper

Published April 2024

#Irregular Migration #Policy


This working paper analyses EU policies, legal categories, rights and the options for and limits to returning irregular migrants. It includes the analysis of EU legal and policy frameworks on irregular migration, including their nexus with other policy areas (such as asylum, labour migration, and trafficking). It examines EU policies that are deemed to prevent irregular migration, but in fact create pathways into irregularity, and it describes EU legal options for pathways out of irregularity.

Vienna Migration Conference Report 2023


Published April 2024

#Migration Narratives and Public Opinion #Policy #Governance #Economy, Education and Private Sector #Cross Cutting Topics #Migration Dialogues #Migration and Development


The Vienna Migration Conference 2023 (VMC2023) brought together international leaders, practitioners, and experts at the Palais Niederoesterreich on 10-11 October 2023, for two days of discussions on critical current and future issues in migration governance in Europe and beyond.

FIMAS Sonderauswertung Vorarlberg


Published April 2024

#Integration and Social Cohesion #Research #Labour Migration


Die vorliegende Sonderauswertung beleuchtet die Situation der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten aus den Herkunftsländern Syrien, Afghanistan, Irak und Iran in Vorarlberg. Insgesamt nahmen im Zeitraum von 2018 bis 2022 in Vorarlberg 440 Personen an der FIMAS-Befragung teil – per Online-Fragebogen sowie durch telefonische Befragung. Ein Teil der Befragten nahm an mehreren Wellen teil – insgesamt umfasst die Vorarlberg-Stichprobe dadurch 512 Befragungsdatensätze – von Geflüchteten unterschiedlicher Herkunft, Geschlecht und Alters, und zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten ihrer jeweiligen Integrationsverläufe.

Prague Process Policy Brief 'Policy Brief 'Forced Migration from Ukraine: migration scenarios 2.0''

Policy Brief

Published April 2024

ICMPD Migration Outlook Mediterranean (MED) 2024


Published April 2024


This publication provides a regional perspective to ICMPD’s Migration Outlook 2024, delving into key current and emerging migration trends in the Mediterranean region, with a focus on North Africa and the Middle East.

Navigating Uncertainty: Challenges, Aspirations, and Perspectives of Potential Afghan Migrants in Pakistan


Published April 2024


#Irregular Migration


The results of PARIM-II project, which are discussed in this report, draw not only from extensive qualitative and quantitative research conducted in the field between August 2023 and January 2024, but also from the previous project (PARIM-I), which looked instead at the migration intentions and information needs of Pakistani nationals wishing to migrate out of the country, including through irregular channels.1 By outlining the results of the current project and combining them with the previous one, this report aims at bringing together, analysing, and discussing the entire research component in a targeted way, providing insights for the potential information campaigns and communication strategies in this area. 

Baseline Study on Migration Data Management in Azerbaijan


Published April 2024

