Study on the assessment of extent of different types of trafficking in EU countries


Published April 2010

#Cross Cutting Topics #European Union Policy #Human Trafficking #Trafficking in Human Beings #Policy&Research #EU Level

Development of Monitoring Instruments for Judicial and Law Enforcement Institutions in the Western Balkans 2009-2011


Published April 2010

Yearbook on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe: A Survey and Analysis of Border Management and Border...


Published January 2010

MTM: A Dialogue in Action – Linking Emigrant Communities for More Development – Inventory of Institutional Capacities and Practices


Published January 2010

Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook for National Action Plans against Trafficking in Human Beings


Published January 2010


#Victim Protection #Victim #Referral #Human Trafficking #Trafficking in Human Beings #Victim Identification #Prevention

Study on Post-Trafficking Experiences in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and Portugal


Published January 2010

Czechia / Hungary / Italy / Portugal

#Human Trafficking #Victim #Trafficking in Human Beings #Cross Cutting Topics

Guidelines for the Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Trafficked Persons in Europe: TRM-EU


Published January 2010

#Referral #Victim Protection #Human Trafficking #Anti-Trafficking Policy #Trafficking in Human Beings #Victim Identification

A Comprehensive Survey of Migration Flows and Institutional Capabilities in Libya


Published January 2010


Research Brief - REGINE Regularisations in Europe: Study on practices in the area of regularisation of illegally staying third-country nationals in...


Published December 2009

CLANDESTINO Project Final Report, EC - Undocumented Migration: Counting the Uncountable. Data and Trends Across Europe


Published November 2009

Policy Seminar: Participation of the Diaspora in the Joint Africa-EU Strategic Partnership


Published October 2009

Study on 'The State of the Art of Research in the EU on the Uptake and Use of ICT by Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities (IEM)'

Working Paper

Published September 2009

The impact on the global economic crisis on illegal migration to the EU


Published August 2009

Family migration in Europe: policies vs. reality

Policy Brief

Published August 2009

Regularisation: A misguided option or part and parcel of a comprehensive policy response to irregular migration?


Published February 2009
